I don’t understand some people. The guys armed with assault weapons in front of the state capitol in Lansing, Mi. The ones that broke the restauranteur’s arm for asking them to wear masks. The restauranteur who refused to let a couple in if they were wearing masks. No country can be strong and healthy if we all don’t look out for each other. Maybe rugged individualism worked when this land was a frontier but that’s long passed.
Actually, come to think about it, I do understand those people–mostly men (with go-along wives) who have been made to feel emasculated by joblessness, or job insecurity; who’ve been persuaded by the guy in the White House that immigrants are coming for them; who don’t want anyone in a position of power, especially a woman, telling them what to do. They’re angry and feel diminished. Behaving this way is how they show they’re real men with machismo. If only they knew how pathetic they look with all their swaggering, bluster, and violence–them and the governors who refused to require citizens to shelter-in-place.
November’s coming in a little more than 5 months, folks. Let’s do all we can to vote into office people who don’t need to prove their manhood, who believe in science and medical experts, who believe that working people, essential workers and small businesses should be bailed out before CEOs and big corporations. especially the ones who have been knowingly destroying us and our planet for 40 years–I’m talking about the fossil fuel industry.
I know that a good number of my online community are from other countries and what I’m saying is true for many of you, especially those from counties with male leaders with empathy problems like Brazil, Hungary, the Philippines and Australia.
At the same time, there are so many signs of goodness coming from so many people: gratitude for the frontline workers; people making masks at home; delivering food to vulnerable neighbors; sending money to support tipped workers and all who are or were part of the gig economy who have no savings and no more jobs. People who are recognizing, some for the first time, the depths of inequality in this country. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid this all bare and I believe it has opened eyes and hearts. We cannot go “back to normal.” Normal was the problem. We must use this crisis to change the very foundations of our economies so that they work for everyone. That will solve both the pandemic and the climate crisis.
Here’s something I just read: A recent global survey of more than 200 of the world’s most senior economists at the onset of the COVID-19 downturn reinforced these findings, concluding that clean energy infrastructure is the top investment we can make, both in terms of climate benefits and having the highest stimulus effect (“economic multiplier”). Clean energy infrastructure is also particularly well suited as an economic recovery measure because it is very labor intensive in the early stages.
I started this intending to be lighthearted and even silly. I’m sorry. I’ll do that next time. I promise. Stay safe and thanks for being part of my community. ❤️
Thank you Jane! You always seem to have the right words and say what we need to hear. Normal was the problem. And some people just do not comprehend that. So much change has to happen in order to move forward in all areas and hopefully we as a nation can get to where we need to be!
Many blessings and safe wishes to you and all the readers!
xo Kara
You are absolutely right, we are facing unprecedented times, all change and we have to assume it, is hard to make jokes and enjoy life with everything that happens in our world, I pray a lot and that give a little paece, works for me.💕💕💕
Lea Hoffmann
You know what, Jane? Today we Stan harder than any other day. This is what being up human is all about: kindness and empathy.
You rock.
The message and information was true. The feelings honest. What more could we hope for in our communication than that? No apology necessary. If you feel silly next time then that message will be true as well. As long as you are being true to yourself and share it honestly with us, we can’t ask for more. That’s why you draw our attention. You being you. I can barely wait for that book to come out.💖 xxDona
the world sure is a crazy place right now! in michigan, our governor just extended our stay at home order for the bottom half of the state, (it’s predicted the virus won’t hit its peak here until mid-june), while the top half and the upper peninsula opened this past friday. in the past weeks there have been facebook groups threatening harm to gretchen whitmer for her action against covid-19 in michigan, and facebook has finally shut these groups down. people here haven’t been wearing masks, despite it being required, and the ones who do are deemed “too fearful” by the ones who don’t. i’ve found myself very anxious and depressed throughout most of this.
how are you passing your time in quarantine?
i hope you’re doing well and staying safe, i’m sending all my love and can’t wait to see you again as soon as possible.
Sienna, I pass my time working on Fire Drill Fridays, helping raise money for essential workers’ funds,writing speeches, reading good books (I’m reading last year’s Pulitzer Prize winner, “The Overstory,” by Richard Powers)
You haven’t posted anything on any of your social media platforms about the riots all around our country or about the tragic death of George Floyd. Why are you silent? You have a platform with thousands of fans.
Daniel P.
I hope you had a nice long weekend, Jane! And you’re so right: we cannot and should not go back to “normal” – this was ample warning that we have to stop eating up this planet.
My thing is: all these macho politicians and protesters are also really dumb. They have a chance to play Superman and “save the world” and show up that they are those tough guys who are handling the situations well. But not only do they lack “the manliness” they so desperately want to show off, but they are also too stupid to realize that here’s their chance to use it.
Being dumb as a rock is a disease in itself and the most contagious of them all.
P.S. Don’t worry about the post not being light-hearted enough. I feel you – I’ve been passing a kidney stone trying to watch my “comfort movies” and enjoy them. But I can’t and I figured, it’s fine. We’ll try next time. 😉
Cary Jones
I can’t admire you enough, Jane Fonda. Thank you so much for your voice ❤️ I look so forward to November (with great Optimism). 🤗 Hugs from Florida. 💜 Cary
Hi Jane!
In my home state a man hanged a dummy with a picture of the Kentucky governor on it! What the hell is going on?? To be honest, I’ve been in quarantine- today is day 70 to be exact- I guess I’m not understanding what’s so important that I should leave my house and risk getting sick??
I cannot fathom, other than from what you said, why ANYONE would be protesting the reopening of a state when numbers are rising and people are dying!
Side note: protesting with GUNS??? Why??
I am a gig worker. I was sooooo terrified of going back to doing concerts this month. But Tennessee opened right up. Last week I found out I have a cyst on my vocal chords ( a singers worst nightmare ) and have to have surgery in two weeks…. is it bad that I’m almost glad this happened so that I’m not forced out of the house prematurely??
Sorry that was a big ramble
Thanks for sharing and listening!!
I wish you a fast recovery, Alyssa
Elaine Rawls
Hi Jane,
I pray you are being vigilant with staying safe. I pray every day for you, Jane W and Lily. I pray that God protects each of you from this virus and anything that may come your way. I love Grace and Frankie in that I relate to so many things of the show. I am watching for the 17th time. It gives this old lady hope for the future. Please stay safe!
Deanna Piercy
I absolutely agree with you about our country’s history of rugged individualism. It no longer serves us and we are better together. Thank you for your example.
Robin C.
Hi Jane!
Hope you are doing well. I couldn’t agree with you more—I do not understand the people who are protesting with guns throughout the country. It’s upsetting that a public health crisis has been made into something so political, and people are unwilling to look out for one another by simply wearing a mask and abiding by the rules put into place. I think of people like my grandmother who is high-risk, and just pray that they can make it through this without getting sick. There are so many good people out there who deserve recognition and I wish we’d hear more about them on the nightly news, rather than the ones who refuse to comply. I have several friends who are home care nurses for older adults and I am in awe of the work they are doing every day. Their selflessness gives me hope during this difficult time. The essential workers on the front lines deserve so much more and I hope we can get a people’s bailout in effect very soon. I’ve been calling my representatives daily and will continue to do so.
I’m really enjoying the weekly Fire Drill Fridays zoom calls. Thank you for continuing to hold them each week! They are helping me to stay informed with my climate activism and I have enjoyed sharing them with friends and family. My Sunrise Movement hub has been doing book club meetings each week via Zoom and we’re just finishing up Naomi Klein’s On Fire and it’s brilliant. I wish everyone who doesn’t understand the necessity of a green new deal would be open to reading it. It was incredibly eye-opening and I think it could change the minds of millions. Do you have any recommendations of books that you’ve read lately about the climate crisis? Really looking forward to reading your new book!
xx Robin
Nicoleta Cramaruc
Hi, Jane!
So good to know you’re ok!
As for other countries having “male leaders with empathy problems”, Romania is one of them. Romanian leaders have more than empathy problems. I believe their mental health is “affected” :D. Unfortunately I feel the Romanians will experience a tough 2021 as many other people from other countries of course.
Love you and be safe XXX
Dearest Jane,
Oh, how I love your posts. I have been thinking about your journey through activism, how it’s been the heart of your being, and this is why I was so motivated to dedicate a video to your activism; it’s a collection of clips and pictures that mean a lot to me. I have posted on twitter, and it’s got over 200 likes already. I hope you will enjoy as much as I have, going through the archives, finding beautiful moments you have created. Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/ZNDhd-z9L_k
Much love,
Thanks for approving my comment, Jane. I hope you enjoyed.
kate, I just watched it. I very much enjoyed it. Terrific work on putting that together. Thanks for sharing it. Also thanks for your supportive comment on my post. Best of luck to you. Dona
Laurie Chandler
Have you ever apologized to our servicemen for your betrayal to them in Vietnam? I’ve never heard a word of any kindness from you. It’s a shame because you could have made a positive difference In the world instead of just filled with hate.
Laurie, I have heard Jane apologize over and over again to servicemen in the audience during her question and answer periods after her shows. I am so tired of the diatribe and attacking on this old subject, it’s like a stuck record that does nothing to benefit anyone. It is hate-filled. Move-on. If you are not hearing words of kindness it is because you are not looking for them or listening. Even in the piece above she talks about the acts of kindness from people caring about each other. She has dedicated this part of her life as an act of love for all of us instead of sitting on her laurels and choosing an easy life. You are spreading hate and judgement. Step back and read all these comments from people she lifts up. You are the minority, yet she doesn’t even cut you off by not posting your attack on her. Laurie, where is your light to shine on the world? If this an example of what you are giving, then it is darkness. I wish better for you.
Yes, Dona! You said it beautifully.
Joie de Vivre
Hi Jane, a little while ago I asked if you would answer some questions for my school magazine and after a lot of research I have compiled a short list, yes this the short list – sorry. I’ve divided them into three sections to make it a little more digestible. If any questions are too personal, political or uncomfortable please don’t feel obliged to answer them. Thank you so much! Grace
1)What do you feel at the prospect of President Trump serving for another term?
2)You knocked on the doors of Republicans to gain a broader perspective as to why people voted for Trump. What are similarities you found between these voters? & Did they say anything that was unexpected?
Or gave you an insight into why they mightn’t be persuaded to vote democrat.
3)You have been arrested 5 times; even on your birthday it was your goal to be arrested. Why is it so important for you and others with a platform to engage in civil disobedience?
4)What are some experiences you have had that show you civil disobedience is effective and can create change?
5)What advice would you give to young people who wish to make an environmental impact?
6)What pushed you to move to Washington D.C and start Fire Drill Fridays?
7)Angela Davis said: ‘There is an unbroken line of police violence in the US that takes us all the way back to the days of slavery.’
In your experience do you find this to be the case? & If so why do you think this hasn’t changed?
8)What do you think we can do in a world filled with leaders who worsen the effects of climate change? Or in the case of President Trump “don’t know that it’s manmade.”
9)Are you fearful that because of the obstacles that oppose climate change we may not actually reverse our damages in the 10 year timeframe?
Alternatively, what assures you?
1)You’ve mentioned how you think people should aim not to be perfect, but, whole – what has helped you feel whole?
2)You talk about this part of your life in a positive way – as your third act, what would you say to people who feel uneasy about ageing?
3)How has quarantine made you feel?
What have you been doing to busy yourself?
4)How do you maintain ambition and focus?
5)What is something you wish you would have known growing up?
6)What do you wish you could tell/ ask your parents?
7)You have achieved some incredible things during your third act. What else would you like to accomplish/tackle?
8)You have spoken about how inspirational Greta Thunberg is.
Who are some other figures you think should be taken more notice of?
9)You and Lily Tomlin spoke at a seminar on the importance of female friendships. What is the best piece of advice that she has ever given to you?
Acting/ Professional Career
1)What was it about your experience acting in the play 33 Variations that changed your perspective on theatre?
2)In your Lifetime Achievement acceptance speech you said that you wish you would have asked people like Betty Davis and Barbara Stanwyck more questions. What are some of the questions that you wish you had asked them?
In the same speech you also said that Meryl Streep was the only person who had asked you about film acting, so… can you tell me about film acting?
3)Did you accept controversial roles as your way of seeking rebellion in Hollywood?
4)What do you think must change in Hollywood for an increase in inclusivity and equality?
5)What did you learn from Katherine Hepburn?
6)Perhaps your most recognisable film is Barbarella, but, which of your films do you consider the most important?
7)What is one thing about Hollywood you hope continues and something you hope to stop?
8)What do you think is the most impactful film ever made?
What is your favourite film?
9)Your exercise video remains the best – selling home video of all time, why do you think it has had such longevity and popularity?
10)Also, I have to ask, where do you keep your Oscars?
Whoa, Joie de Vivre, this is too many questions and I am too busy right now. Either cut it down to 3 or you;ll have to wait indefinately.
Jane, as you say there are so many signs of goodness coming from so many people all around the word only the “bad guys” make more noise. We must use this crisis to change and grow each one from his place in the word. Hugs from Argentina
Jane! Will you mentor me? I want to work on team and make an impact. ❤️
I think you’re so inspiring and I love your activism and approach.
I am a young British woman living in Utah, and I have learned so much about you recently. All I care about in this world is making a difference to others and I think that you have made such a huge impact in this world and I want to learn to do that too. I could fly out to where you are at to meet you and see if you’d want a ‘student helper!’ 🤷♀️ You could give me all kinds of things to do to help your effort. I know you’d want to know I’m not crazy etc and to work out who I am, but I’m guessing you can’t leave your email on here so please, if you’d like someone to help you with things, (and I would love to learn from you), then an email for me is [email protected] and I’ll send you a video message and resume and references etc. 🙂 I REALLY hope you get this and it finds you at a time when you are thinking you’re snowed under with work and would love an enthusiastic assistant.
Thanks, Beth. Actually, I have helper and am not in need of more. If you want to get involved and learn how to organize and make a difference go to firedrillfridays.com/volunteer. We need volunteers right now to do all sorts of things from home. xx
Sigh. I am usually a very positive person, but it seems like every time my spirits lift, something else happens that brings it down. Coronavirus numbers all of over the place leaving one with uncertainty and worry. Macho men bringing assault weapons into the capitol building, in my eyes a threat to that Woman from Michigan who I believe is doing an amazing job. People fighting over the wearing of masks throughout the country. Trump’s continuous tweets that make me cringe. The poor and minority being beaten down with the virus and police. And now protests and riots filling our city streets. Thank you for pointing out the good happening around us. November can’t come soon enough. We have a lot of work to do to repair this country.
Amanda Cecyn
Hello, Jane. I’m brazilian and I can assure you that it’s being such a hard time for us. People are caring for money, and only it. Our President has no empathy for our lives and I thank you for remembering of us! I live in a small town and we don’t have even equipments to save lives,and he doesn’t care! He is still doing bad political stuff, like interfering in our police’s work for his own business!
I want to say thank you for caring about Amazonia too, when many brazilians aren’t doing! Love you!
My heart breaks for Brazil, a country I love.
María Lucía Pineda
Hi Jane, I’m from Colombia, very near Brazil and part of the amazon jungle too. Thanks for the efforts to make people see that if we keep our lives “the same as they were” before COVID – 19, it will only do more damage to our ailing planet. Here is been a real struggle to balance health and economy, for the main income for over 60% of Colombians comes from what ever they can get on a daily basis because formal work is not our common practice.
It’s so important to change many things on our lives not only to protect health but communities and that the children that are growing now will have a planet where to live in.
Again thanks for your efforts. Keep up the good work