On Saturday, James Oles, curator of the Diego Rivera show at the San Francisco MOMA, gave my small group a guided tour of the extraordinary exhibit. It will be in San Francisco until January 3rd and is well worth a visit. It includes 3 of Diego Rivera’s massive wall murals and James Oles deepened our understand and appreciation of Rivera’s brilliance and prescience.
The last of the many rooms housing Rivera’s works is dedicated to his “society paintings.” These are the ones he did for money, often paintings of wealthy Americans. One of the final paintings, the one I am standing against above, is of my mother and half-sister in 1941. It has been hanging in my niece’s home since my sister passed. My niece, Pilar Corrias, is an art dealer based in London at the Pilar Corrias Gallery.
Seeing the painting restored and hanging in the museum was an emotional experience for me. But actually the entire show was breathtaking and emotional for me. Try to see it!
¿Y no choca ver un cuadro privado en un museo de cara al público? Debe ser como una especie de desnudez. Por otro lado , qué orgullo ser pintadas por el gran Diego Rivera. Es parte de la historia. ¡Qué maravilla!. Algo de magia tiene q haber en toda esta historia y ese cuadro desprenderá buena vibra seguro. ¿Sensaciones señora Fonda?
Un abrazo muy grande.
Quizás no tenga tiempo ni ganas para leer reflexiones de una amante del cine como yo pero me parece interesante. ¿Has visto la película “Good Luck Leo Grande” de Emma Thompson?. (Breve entrada: Tras un matrimonio insatisfactorio y con 55 años, Nancy desea el contacto masculino y contrata los servicios de Leo Grande un amable profesional con el que se cita en un hotel.)
Trata algo tan importante como la insatisfacción sexual dentro del matrimonio. La falta de autoestima y opresión femenina por parte de la sociedad y los parámetros de belleza que se imponen han desarrollado trastornos que impiden a la mujer ser plenas sexualmente. Es muy triste. Por eso es muy importante hacerlo visible.
¿Puede una mujer ser feliz sin haber experimentado un orgasmo en su vida?. ¿Cómo podemos sentir vergüenza al estar con la pareja y no ser capaces de ser sinceros?. ¿Una pareja que realmente te quiere debería estar preocupado por tu satisfacción?
Recomiendo esta película. Ambos actores crean un clima íntimo perfecto. Y Emma T está más auténtica que nunca. ¡Veanla!.
Me encantaría su opinión señora Fonda.
Agradecida por su atención. Un fuerte abrazo.
Ruth Jane Davison
Jane: What a treasure! I’m delighted you got to see it at @SFMOMA; will the exhibition be travelling to anywhere else, I wonder? Not sure whether I’ll be able to travel to the U.S. from here in the U.K. before January, as we have been invited to a family member’s graduation in Denver, in May! I would love to see the whole Diego Rivera show; this painting in particular, of course ❤️.
Great to see you out and about again; I wish you all the very best in all you do! Stay safe and strong…
Ruth 🙏🏻❤️
Ashleigh Cheshire
Dearest Jane, Re: your last post (I am so eager for my comment to be approved so her tis again xx)
I want to share with you a poem written by Amy Schmidt, entitled ABUNDANCE
It’s impossible to be lonely
when you’re zesting an orange.
Scrape the soft rind once
and the whole room
fills with fruit.
Look around: you have
more than enough.
Always have.
You just didn’t notice
until now.
Another one called Sunrise by Louise Glück:
And if you missed a day, there was always the next,
and if you missed a year, it didn’t matter,
the hills weren’t going anywhere,
the thyme and rosemary kept coming back,
the sun kept rising, the bushes kept bearing fruit
My poetry professor has left me with the comfort that poetry is always there for you when you need it. It is now one of the most pure forms of love I know, reading and writing poetry, sharing your voice and feelings. I have written something for you, but I would rather not place it here. May I send you a letter with the poem attached?
Jane, you are a survivor and a fighter– you are heroic and unshrinking. You are so sovereign and empowered. Everyone will listen to your feelings during this time, and everyone who can, will comfort you. Your voice and narrative will be an antidote, and it will be recognized. I have so much I would like to say to you, please let me do so in a letter. And I made you a bracelet!
Until then, wishes of an abundance (of zest, vigor, moxie, and rest). I really care about you, Jane Fonda!!!
Ashleigh, a great advocate of yours and truer, fuller person for it xoxoxo
p.s. listen to Moon River by Audrey Hepburn and Smile by Judy Garland. Love those xoxo
The Detroit Institute of Art has an amazing Detroit Industry Mural by Rivera. It is an absolute treasure. The painting of your mother and sister is fascinating!