September 01, 2022 Jane Fonda Climate Pac Los Angeles area candidate endorsement press conference in Downtown Los Angeles. Front row left to right: Fatima Iqbal-Zubair for State Assembly District 65, Danielle Sandoval for LA City Council District 15, Lindsey Horvath for LA Board of Supervisors, myself, Sydney Kamlager for US House District 37, Faisal Gill for LA City Attorney, Kenneth Mejia for LA City Controller. Back row left to right: Hugo Soto-Martínez for LA City Council District 13, Erin Darling, LA City Council District 11
I have been deeply moved and uplifted by all the expressions of love and support since I made public the fact that I’ve been diagnosed with B-cell Non-Hodgins Lymphoma. My heartfelt thanks to all. The messages of love and support mean the world to me.
I want to say again that this is a very treatable cancer and much progress has been made with the medicines patients are given.
Since last week, so many people have written to me or posted that they have had this type of cancer and have been cancer-free for many decades. Well, I’ll soon be 85 so I won’t have to worry about “many decades.” One will do just fine.
Many have asked how I am feeling. Well today, about 3 weeks from my first chemo session, I must tell you that I feel stronger than I have in years. The doctor told me the best antidote to the tiredness that chemotherapy can cause is to move. Walk. And I have been walking. Very early before the record heat kicks in. Also working out.
This is not my first encounter with cancer. I’ve had breast cancers and had a mastectomy and come through very well and I will do so again.
As I said in my statement last week, I am painfully aware that the top-drawer treatment I receive is not something everyone in this country can count on and I consider that a travesty. It isn’t fair, and I will continue to fight for quality health care for all.
Most of you know that I am focused on confronting the urgent climate crisis, caused by fossil fuels, through my ongoing work with Fire Drill Fridays (We just had our 10 millionth viewer last Friday!) and my most recent work with the Jane Fonda Climate PAC.
This diagnosis has only made me more determined than ever to continue to end the deadly effects of fossil fuels. While most of us know that fossil fuels are the primary cause of the climate crisis, many may not know that fossil fuel emissions also cause cancer as well as other major health problems like birth defects, childhood leukemia, heart attacks, strokes, lung disease and preterm birth. We must find a way to come together to put an end to this deadly correlation. Too many families have suffered, too many communities have been forgotten, written off as ‘Sacrifice Zones,’ far too much pain has been endured. It does not have to be this way. We have it within our power to change this and I intend to do everything in my power to do so. This cancer will not deter me.
Please visit https://www.janepac.com to learn about our work to elect climate champions across the country and counter the outsized influence fossil fuel companies have on our government. Please sign up. Please donate. $5, $10, whatever you can. The website will tell you how or you can donate through ActBlue. We need you, your friends, your family and colleagues. With the crucial midterms around the corner, it’s all hands on deck!
Please also visit https://firedrillfridays.org to learn about how you can join actions throughout the country and tune into our next livestream on Friday September 9th featuring marine biologist John Hocevar, Director of Greenpeace’s oceans campaign who will tell us what happened at the recent UN Global Ocean Treaty.
Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you all for your loving thoughts!
Hey Jane ❤ As I heard in your fire drill Friday livestream that you got cancer I cried for 10 minutes 💔 I was so in shocked! But as I heard that this is a treatable cancer i was glad but never I’m so worried. But I know you’ll survive it ❤❤❤ I hope you are okay and I know you are strong!!! I pray every night before I go sleep for you ❤
Stay strong!!! Cecilia ❤
Anita Sabatini
I have always been a fan but I now I feel I have friendship with you . No I am not living alone , writing from a dark room , devoid of friends, sending my lone thoughts to a Hollywood star . Today is my birthday and received many well wishes. I thought I would look up your blog to see if you had posted something new and I was rewarded with my best birthday present . It is almost as if I hear your voice speaking through the words you write. Your voice is strong and motivated me to donate to your climate action PAC. I saw the video of you exercising after your chemo and couldn’t help but think of my sister who also suffered through cancer. Your will to continue to fight is nothing short of amazing . Please fight hard against cancer for me and maybe you could schedule more book club meetings ,so we can all share more ideas of activism from your book.
Nicoleta Cramaruc
Hi, Jane!
I am deeply sorry that you have to get through this cancer experience again. Words can be helpful to encourage you to never give up as you always taught us to do. Now, it’s our turn to constantly remind you to never give up, because every day is a gift. Only you know how it really feels inside to go through this again, and that’s way I’m sending you a tight hug and healing energies. Keep working on your mind because the power of thoughts on our health is tremendous. I am thinking of you since the day we’ve personally met in Paris and I’ll continue to think of you especially now.
I love you ❤!
My head just exploded, I hope and wish that everything remains in a bad dream, and that you will soon be recovered. And I know it will be like this, because you are strong and a fighter. And you can with everything. I will always be by your side. I love you a lot my Queen 💗✨💪🏻🫂
I’m so glad to hear you’re doing well. You’ve got this! Sending all my love <3
Dear Jane, I’ve followed you as an actress all my life(I’m 57 🤩) and then your workout and humanitarian work. One of my highlights was seeing you signing your book in Helsinki and getting to say something. I admire your strength and commitment to a better world. You make this world a better / bearable place(Dolly too🥰). An inspiration to millions. You’ll get through this cancer . Warm wishes and love from a Brit in Helsinki . Liz ❤️
Ruth Jane Davison
Dear Jane,
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this! It is wonderful to know that you are feeling stronger…keep it up 💪! You can and will get through this 🙏🏻💪💗!
Love and prayers,
Ruth Jane Davison
Giovanna Montanhan Banho
Jane, when I saw your post on Instagram, my heart broke into thousand of pieces. I’ve noticed you haven’t been active on the blog, on Twitter and on Instagram too, and I thought it was because you were so busy with work, I thought you were still on Italy for a little vacay after filming Book Club 2. Anyway. I could never imagine that you were going through this, and for so many time.
It’s not because I’m a fan that I’m saying this but you have to believe that you have a tremendous strength, you inspire people around the world just for having 84 years old being super active, doing your activism with environmental issues with so many willpower and passion, and maybe that’s role that is not meant for you, but of the politicians who govern the countries. But it’s clear that your life purpose is this. Trying to add as many people as possible to help you change the planet, to make sure we will have a planet capable of being inhabited. And it’s beautiful to see that.
On the other hand, I believe your other passion and “gift of God” is acting. I don’t know if you think about retiring after the diagnosis or why you think you’ve fulfilled your mission in this profession. But I think you shouldn’t stop. I think that the good ones and those who have been on the path for a long time should continue until the end. Who really has the talent, and dedication to carry out such work. There are a lot of people coming up without even having taken an acting course. But that’s it, I love your work, I think you’ve accomplished amazing movies throughout your career and you doesn’t deserve to stop for now. Maybe take a chance and go to Broadway? It would be incredible! Perhaps uniting action with environmental issues?
But I’m sure you’re a strong one, sweetie! I’m happy to read this new post, everything’s gonna be alright, it’s just a phase! I don’t know if you know the power of hearing sound like a meditation, but it’s measured by “hz” and it really helps the mind. I use one for anxiety and depression. There’s a YouTube channel with a lot of these sound. I’m sending you a link that I read on the comment that’s very helpful. I hope you like it and works for your case. https://youtu.be/JQwjXLQfYfA
I love you. I hope you read this and feel in your heart all my good vibrations that I’m sending you. Stay positive, because you can handle this! 💗 Stay next to your family and female friends that I know for you it’s very important to have them close, they’re the “safe space” that you need right now. And for sure you will live longer, longer enough. And I’ll be here, waiting for your 100th birthday post, you bet! 😂 It will be a great time to celebrate.
Giovanna from São Paulo, Brazil (which I don’t know if you still remember me, but I was at every single FDF zoom and on the lives to
Hello Jane, I appreciate your candor in the face of what many (myself included) consider the scariest word in the English language– cancer. I feel oddly reassured by your post, such is the strength of your spirit that comes through your words.. know that myself and countless others are wishing you all the best in this latest battle. All my love.
You are a life-long warrior, Jane and you are beating it everyday. Imagining how many people you have helped around the world, it’s easy to tell you are always surrounded by lots of love from close ones to those you have never met but they have lived their life with you. You totally got this.❤️
Laura Azevedo
Jane, I was watching Fire Drill in the moment you told about your cancer. It’s not time for you to get out of the scene and you’ll win!!!
I’m from Brazil and your fan since the
pandemic. I’d like to thank you all you’ve done to me through your books, movies, interviews and workout videos. You are such an inspiration to me! I’m a better person because of you. I read My life so far in 2 months and I’ll read it again in my next decade (40). And next month Bolsonaro will fall down!!! I’d love to have a Jane Fonda in Brazil. I want to hug you one day and say thank you for all you do to the world!!!
I love you so much and I’m praying for you.
Kisses from Brazil!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
That’s the spirit ! 💪💪I am very happy to hear that you are feeling well. I am very happy to hear that you are feeling well. Although I can’t hide the fact that I cried half the night after hearing this. You have had a profound impact on me since I was 14 yo (but it’s a bit of a long story 😘) Wishing you a speedy recovery, the world needs you, stay strong.
with much admiration and love
Hi Jane!
My name is Mirela and I am from Croatia. I am not sure if you will read this, but I want to share how much you influenced me and my life.
First, I love you in Grace and Frankie, but I also watch as many of your movies as I can find. I was born in 90’s, but I like movies from 70’s and 80’s. The ending of Grace and Frankie is so satisfying, although I am very sad there won’t be any more episodes. The show is very funny and full of emotions, I like to watch it when I need something to comfort me or cheer me up.
Also, I really wanted to read your book, My life so far, but I couldn’t find it in Croatian language, so I ordered it in English and it was the first whole book in English I have ever read. Before that, I kind of hesitated because I thought it would take me a lot of time since English is not my first language. I was really proud of myself because of reading it so I started to read more books in English including your last book What Can I Do? The Path from Climate Despair to Action. Your life has been interesting, but the thing I like the most about your autobiography is the wisdom you gained and insight you have about the things you have done and the reasons why you did them. It was the first time I have read about not being connected with yourself and your body -dissociation. I realized I also experience it so I started learning more about it and working on myself to become whole again. You inspired me to start a therapy as well.
Taking care of the environment was only natural for me since a very young age, but because of Fire Drill Fridays and your last book, I was inspired to join our local Greenpeace organisation. The first thing I did was collect signature for Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorships petition. It was out of my comfort zone, but I am happy I was able to do it.
Congratulations on your new project Jane Fonda Climate PAC! I tried to donate but since I am not an U.S. citizen I cannot 🙁
I was deeply touched by news about your diagnosis and how you are handling it. I wish you strength to cope with it and I hope you will continue to feel good. I admire you very much, your work and everything you are doing for the world to become a better place. You are a big inspiration to me and for that, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Thank you for sharing your passion and energy with all of us. <3
Lots of love,
Thank you, Mirela. It makes me happy to know you’ve read my books and have become a climate activist. Love, Jane
Hello Jane,
I have looked up to you since I first watched “On Golden Pond” (my favorite movie) when I was 5 or 6 years old. I’m 27 now and your movies, shows, interviews and activism have inspired me and have kept me going through my darkest times. I stumbled upon one of your workout books when I was in middle school and in it you tell the story of how Katharine Hepburn convinced you to do the back flip stunt in “On Golden Pond” on your own. She said: “Everyone should know that feeling of overcoming fear and mastering something; people who aren’t taught that become soggy.” I read that quote whenever I need a reminder to be brave and face those challenges in life that will help me to grow. I won’t go into detail, but you and I have a lot in common in regards to our childhood, our relationships with men and our life perspectives. I have seen how you’ve grown and evolved from all of those things and it has helped me see how important my independence is. I feel comfortable with myself and a big part of that is because I watched you get comfortable with yourself; so, thank you for sharing your story so people pleasing girls like me could grow into resilient forces to be reckoned with at a younger age than we would have without your influence. I could go on and on about how you’ve saved me and how much I adore you, but I’ll leave you with this: thank you from the tips of my toes to the top of my crown for sharing your wisdom and teaching me the type of woman I want to be. I absolutely adore you and I know this cancer will not make you soggy… nothing ever could.
All my love,
Marie Bissonnette
Deb Fonda
Ms. Fonda,
Sending positive thoughts.
You are a strong woman, chemo can be rough… walk through it. I had chemo infusions two years ago. The doctor suggested I exercise and move. I did as much as possible and it helps.
Try to walk as much as your body allows
I am praying daily for your healing.
You are a positive influence to so many.
Sending love and prayers,
Deb Fonda
Jane Ann Darden
Dear Jane, I wish you well through this new cancer journey of yours and am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I have such respect for you and admire how you have always stood up for what you needed to do for yourself, in every phase of your life. I have followed your career and collected your books. I applaud your activism for many causes, including climate change, and I was happy to see you speak at Fountain St Church in Grand Rapids, MI, on restaurant workers wages a few years ago. I am a 72 year old woman veteran (5-1/2 year USAF) and a 14 year breast cancer survivor. I got diagnosed after I found the lump while living in Alaska (lived there for 35 years), and because the VA hospital in Anchorage could not treat me, nor the VA hospital in Seattle, I was sent to the Seattle Care Alliance for my surgeries (lumpectomy & lymph nodes removed). I had excellent care and no cost to me. I had 6 months of low dose chemo (through a port) and 1 month & a week of radiation in Anchorage and paid a percentage of that. I was out of work one year. I always stayed positive and knew I would make it through. I did it alone and had no one with me nor family or friends available to take me to appts. I am grateful to be alive and was grateful for my wonderful care and the love and support from friends and family. I wish you the best, always. Love, Jane
Jennifer Clarke
Hope things are looking up for you. I know someone 70years of age that was recently diagnosed. Unfortunately she had a chemical burn reaction to chemo which is very rare and has suffered terrible burns. Hopefully she can start her chemo again shortly. Sending positive thoughts 💕
Dear Jane, as many people I am a huge fan of yours and was shocked to hear about your diagnosis.
Little did I know, a couple of weeks later I would be diagnosed with breast cancer myself. I am taking it as positive as I can. I cannot change the outcome, but I can change my attitude towards that outcome.
I know know I can keep that same attitude when I begin my chemo treatments, while I also try to influence people in caring for our planet and for the animals.
Thank you Jane Fonda for being such an inspiration.
Yes, Shelly, stay strong. xxx Jane