

Active 1 year, 7 months ago
  • Last Saturday night, Lo Maximo, Homeboy Industries’ annual gala, honored Kim Kardashian for her work on criminal justice reform. She gave a personal and heartfelt acceptance speech and everyone was thrilled t […]

  • This morning, Lindsey P. Horvath, Chair of the LA County Board of Supervisors, officially declared April 30th Jane Fonda day. Suffice to say, I was bowled over. I didn’t even know such a thing was done. I k […]

  • I did a really fun podcast with Phil Rosenthal and David Wild. It’s called NAKED LUNCH. We weren’t naked but there were many laughs, and great food! We had lots to discuss, so there are two parts. Check the […]

  • I’m popping out of my skin with happiness and pride! Last night, the Jane Fonda Climate PAC saw most of our supported candidates win. I’m posting about this because I want people to see that down ballot rac […]

  • I recently attended the first soccer game of my life and the first women’s sports game. The Angel City team of Los Angeles against Seattle’s OL Reign. It was so exciting; I want to make it a regular thing. Thr […]

  • Last year, Governor Newsom of California, signed a bill into law that created a 3200ft set back between communities in California and active oil wells. The largest setback of any oil-or gas-producing state and […]

  • Last week I was told by my oncologist that my cancer is in remission and I can discontinue chemo. I am feeling so blessed, so fortunate. I thank all of you who prayed and sent good thoughts my way. I am confident […]

  • Jane commented on the post, CANCER 2 years, 2 months ago

    Yes, Shelly, stay strong. xxx Jane

  • The seeds of a new Texas are being sewn. I have seen it.

    This week I went to Austin, Texas, to campaign with candidates endorsed by my Climate PAC. A year or so ago, Piper Perabo, my actor friend who is […]

    • Hola Jane!
      I want to wish you all a great day at the rally next Friday in Washington, I want to tell you that day I’ll be with all from Spain, your fight is everyone’s!!

      I read this article a long time ago and I have looked for it in the my newspaper English edition and at last I found it!! , it’s very interesting and I thought that it’s convenient to remember the consequences of climate change, I hope you’ve got no problem to reading it. This is my little contibution for that day.


      Finally, I hope your health is improving, we’re all with you in your own fight against cancer, good luck! You’re a very strong and optimistic person, it’s easier that way. I admire your struggle in all aspects of life.

      With love

    • Always inspired by your tireless activism! Thank you for this article, I didn’t know this was happening in TX.

      Wishing you good health,


    • Hi Jane!,
      First of all I want to tell you that I hope and I wish that you are in good health and the treatment is taking effect. Just a small comment about Health System, I suppose you know that in the European Union all citizens enjoy a Universal Public Health System absolutely free for all of us that covers all treatments including cancer, it’s a part of what we use to call “Society of Well-Being” and that allows us to live with tranquility and there’s no doubt that it’s an equality policy, rich and poor people are the same in the face of illness. If a poor country like mine in relation to the US can do it, it’s also possible there, I hope so in a future.
      As for the upcoming elections in your country, we’re all following them with interest and concern. It’s important that democratic values triumph and, of course, those policies that take care of the increasingly endangered environment. I wish you all the best in these elections, they’re very important for you but also for the world.

      With love, I wish you the best

      This song is an hymn to Democracy with cumbia rhythm, the lyrics are very realistic and fun.

  • It has been absolutely thrilling to be out on the campaign trail in support of brave climate champions running for office up and down the ballot all over the country that the Jane Fonda Climate PAC has […]

    • I wanted to be at your Michigan event but was hosting a family-friendly bi-partisan candidate meet and greet event. Dayna is my rep, and one of our speakers. You inspire and motivate me.

    • En estos últimos días han habido dos reivindicaciones contra el cambio climático que han sido bastante impactantes. Han arrojado salsa de tomate y puré de patatas en dos obras de pictóricas de renombre. Es necesario estropear arte para protestar???? Es educativo para nuevas generaciones ??

    • jane, thank you for fighting for the future of our planet and for all of us to have a future, you’re incredible.

    • Hi Jane!

      I had the opportunity to meet Dana Nessel a couple weeks back at the rally in Michigan. She truly is a force of nature and if elected, would truly set Michigan as a prime example of a state taking real climate action and women’s rights.

      I really had no idea until a few weeks ago how much power state/local officials have over environmental issues. It really changed my view on the importance of electing climate leaders into those offices.

      It pissed me off when the time came for me to plan how I was going to vote that climate issues were hardly addressed in candidates platforms, and if they were, it was a mere mention. Nothing near a strong stance. It truly confused me that the climate crisis seemed to play a very minuscule role on the agenda. Especially since a lot of voters in my area are farmers and are worried about Indiana’s economy, which relies heavily on agriculture. How are we supposed to get any yield from crops when it is too hot/and or flooded? More importantly, what about the increasingly contaminated waters from factory/crop pollution?

      My hope is that even if Indiana does once again end up with a republican majority, that constituents who are aware of the climate crisis will rise and fight them tooth and nail. I have no doubt that will be the case, especially since a lot of progress has been made- especially in schools- to teach the real truth of the tipping point we are at, and more and more people are becoming aware and taking action everyday here at home.

      I hope you are doing well and I’m excited to see all of the work you and your PAC are doing pay off. You are setting the standard for using your platform to uplift important issues, and I’m glad to see that more influencers/celebrities are willing to use theirs as well. I believe that will make a big difference.

      Kennedy Davis

    • This is so important and nice! Thank you so much, Jane! You are always so amazing and inspiring! Love from Brazil!

  • On Saturday, James Oles, curator of the Diego Rivera show at the San Francisco MOMA, gave my small group a guided tour of the extraordinary exhibit. It will be in San Francisco until January 3rd and is well […]

    • Quizás no tenga tiempo ni ganas para leer reflexiones de una amante del cine como yo pero me parece interesante. ¿Has visto la película “Good Luck Leo Grande” de Emma Thompson?. (Breve entrada: Tras un matrimonio insatisfactorio y con 55 años, Nancy desea el contacto masculino y contrata los servicios de Leo Grande un amable profesional con el que se cita en un hotel.)
      Trata algo tan importante como la insatisfacción sexual dentro del matrimonio. La falta de autoestima y opresión femenina por parte de la sociedad y los parámetros de belleza que se imponen han desarrollado trastornos que impiden a la mujer ser plenas sexualmente. Es muy triste. Por eso es muy importante hacerlo visible.
      ¿Puede una mujer ser feliz sin haber experimentado un orgasmo en su vida?. ¿Cómo podemos sentir vergüenza al estar con la pareja y no ser capaces de ser sinceros?. ¿Una pareja que realmente te quiere debería estar preocupado por tu satisfacción?
      Recomiendo esta película. Ambos actores crean un clima íntimo perfecto. Y Emma T está más auténtica que nunca. ¡Veanla!.
      Me encantaría su opinión señora Fonda.
      Agradecida por su atención. Un fuerte abrazo.

    • The Detroit Institute of Art has an amazing Detroit Industry Mural by Rivera. It is an absolute treasure. The painting of your mother and sister is fascinating!

    • Dearest Jane, Re: your last post (I am so eager for my comment to be approved so her tis again xx)

      I want to share with you a poem written by Amy Schmidt, entitled ABUNDANCE
      It’s impossible to be lonely
      when you’re zesting an orange.
      Scrape the soft rind once
      and the whole room
      fills with fruit.
      Look around: you have
      more than enough.
      Always have.
      You just didn’t notice
      until now.

      Another one called Sunrise by Louise Glück:
      And if you missed a day, there was always the next,
      and if you missed a year, it didn’t matter,
      the hills weren’t going anywhere,
      the thyme and rosemary kept coming back,
      the sun kept rising, the bushes kept bearing fruit

      My poetry professor has left me with the comfort that poetry is always there for you when you need it. It is now one of the most pure forms of love I know, reading and writing poetry, sharing your voice and feelings. I have written something for you, but I would rather not place it here. May I send you a letter with the poem attached?

      Jane, you are a survivor and a fighter– you are heroic and unshrinking. You are so sovereign and empowered. Everyone will listen to your feelings during this time, and everyone who can, will comfort you. Your voice and narrative will be an antidote, and it will be recognized. I have so much I would like to say to you, please let me do so in a letter. And I made you a bracelet!

      Until then, wishes of an abundance (of zest, vigor, moxie, and rest). I really care about you, Jane Fonda!!!

      Ashleigh, a great advocate of yours and truer, fuller person for it xoxoxo

      p.s. listen to Moon River by Audrey Hepburn and Smile by Judy Garland. Love those xoxo

    • Jane: What a treasure! I’m delighted you got to see it at @SFMOMA; will the exhibition be travelling to anywhere else, I wonder? Not sure whether I’ll be able to travel to the U.S. from here in the U.K. before January, as we have been invited to a family member’s graduation in Denver, in May! I would love to see the whole Diego Rivera show; this painting in particular, of course ❤️.

      Great to see you out and about again; I wish you all the very best in all you do! Stay safe and strong…

      Ruth 🙏🏻❤️

    • ¿Y no choca ver un cuadro privado en un museo de cara al público? Debe ser como una especie de desnudez. Por otro lado , qué orgullo ser pintadas por el gran Diego Rivera. Es parte de la historia. ¡Qué maravilla!. Algo de magia tiene q haber en toda esta historia y ese cuadro desprenderá buena vibra seguro. ¿Sensaciones señora Fonda?
      Un abrazo muy grande.

  • Jane commented on the post, CANCER 2 years, 5 months ago

    Thank you, Mirela. It makes me happy to know you’ve read my books and have become a climate activist. Love, Jane

  • Frederick, call Ariel Hayes who heads the PAC team.

  • Hannah, I just read this second letter from you and I will email you for more info.

  • Hannah, thanks for the idea. I will ponder. I may not have the bandwidth to create a shopping place with donated goods right now. Maybe after the midterms. Appreciate your thinking of this.

  • Paulina, What a beautiful letter. Thank you. xx Jane

  • Giovanna, thank you. I’ve shared your letter with Lily and Marta. xx

  • Amandine, Appreciate your idea for trainings. What Greenpeace and Fire Drill Fridays are doing is like a training. We give Calls to Action and then Trainers at Greenpeace train people to be trainers of others or train them directly to call and/or visit their elected official about the specific issue we are tackling. Right now it’s an…[Read more]

  • Dear JOhn, I wish you much strength and perseverance. Thank you for your words about “Coming Home” and “Grace & Frankie.” xx Jane

  • Thank you. Katya, for telling me this. I hope you and your mum stay safe. What a monstrous war!!!

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