It’s been a while. For months, it’s felt like all I could do was make it from one day to the next. No time or energy to write about it. All my energy went into working, keeping my spirits up and taking care of myself mentally and physically. It seems to me that self-care is critical right now.
But there’s more air, more space now. Part of it was making the transition from the end of “Grace & Frankie” to the new film, “Moving On,” that I’m doing with Lily. Written and directed by Paul Weitz, it’s a dark comedy. The characters are very different from Grace and Frankie so there was the raw, vulnerable process of shedding one skin and, almost simultaneously growing a new one which wasn’t easy cause the film started 10 days after G&F wrapped. When you’re leaving one person behind and stepping into someone new, you, the actor, is in an in between, vulnerable space. It’s been interesting. Challenging.
Because of making this switch so abruptly, I’m more aware than ever of the differences between TV comedies and movies. Perhaps this is especially true of a Paul Weitz movie. Like in my films of the 70’s, Paul isn’t afraid of silences, of revealing processes. I’m enjoying it very much. We finish on my birthday, Dec 21st, when my family is coming in for the Holidays…finally!
Another event that has been profound for me: On Thanksgiving morning, I took my little Tulea to the animal hospital and held her in my arms as she was put to sleep. I knew it was coming. She started having seizures multiple times a day. I couldn’t bring her to work with me anymore. I tried to prepare but it’s never fully successful, is it? I just hung on to my gratitude for having had her loving, loyal companionship for almost 17 years. I miss her terribly. I don’t intend to get another dog. She was a soulmate. That’s one thing. But also, in the coming years, I feel I need to remain as unencumbered and flexible as possible—to go where I can make a difference, wherever that might be.
I’ve also missed having a regular weekly Fire Drill Friday. I’m doing one this month that I’m excited about and, as the New Year will be a very crucial and complicated year given the midterm elections and the urgency of the climate crisis, I’m hopeful we can get back to doing them weekly.
The most important contribution we can make is to not give up.
I hope everyone has a safe, fun, and restful Holiday.
So sorry to hear about your little one. My husband and I lost sparky on January 1st of this year. It’s left a space there that anyone who has not been privileged enough to have a four legged soul mate wouldn’t understand. You are a very special person, take care of yourself.
Deanna Piercy
I’m so very sorry about your sweet dog. We had to do that with our Shiloh last year and I still miss him terribly. We probably won’t have another dog, either.
My dad died last night so the holidays will be somber for us. Yet there is still so much to be grateful for and I’m trying to remember that.
Happy birthday beautiful Jane!!
So sorry for your loss…
Thank you so much for taking a moment and telling us about yourself.
Ii can’t wait to see the end of G&F and your new movie. Congratulations!!!!
You are an amazing woman and I wish you all the best.
Querida Jane:
Me da gusto saber sobre tí en el blog.
Siempre he admirado tu postura hacia la vida. Eres fuerte y valiente y por si fuera poco hermosa! ☺️
Extrañaré a G&F. Esas dos “viejas damas” me devolvieron la alegría y me hicieron sentir una más en el set…
Me apena mucho saber lo de Túlea. También mi perrito Chopin con 17 años se durmió en mis brazos. No lo he podido superar aún y ya hace varios años. Siento tu dolor como mío. Tienes buenas fotos de tu “alma gemela”. Realmente hay que dar gracias por haberlos tenido con nosotros.
Te deseo un muy bonito y FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!! Y una MEJOR NAVIDAD! Ya con hecho de verte rodeada de tu familia, hijos y nietos ya eso vale oro!!!! Desearía poder conocerte y darte un abrazo pero los miles de kilómetros lo impiden personalmente. Sé FELIZ! Continúa tu lucha. Es justa y valiente.
Desde Uruguay, ayer, hoy y siempre, te amo! ❤️😍🇺🇾🥂😘💪 GRACIELA
Dear Jane:
I’m glad to know about you on the blog.
I have always admired your stance towards life. You are strong and brave and if that were not enough beautiful! ☺️
I will miss G&F. Those two “old ladies” brought my joy back and made me feel like one more on set …
I am very sorry to know about Túlea. Also my 17-year-old Chopin dog fell asleep in my arms. I have not been able to overcome it yet and it has been several years now. I feel your pain as mine. You have good pictures of your “soul mate”. We really have to give thanks for having them with us.
I wish you a very nice and HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! And a BETTER CHRISTMAS! With the fact of seeing yourself surrounded by your family, children and grandchildren, that is worth gold !!!! I wish I could meet you and give you a hug but the thousands of kilometers prevent it personally. Be happy! Continue your fight. It is fair and courageous.
From Uruguay, yesterday, today and always, I love you! ❤️😍🇺🇾🥂😘💪 GRACE
Blessings for your Bday!!!! May it be filled with peace, love, laughter. Good health, family and friends!! And, many more to come!!! The Earth needs you.🎁🎀🎊🎈🎉🍨🎂🍰☕❤
Just watched Mark Ronson’s The Sound, Synthesizer episode and it is inspired. “Unsung women” were transformative in the industry. Delia Derbyshire composed some of the very first synthesized music still used as the opening for Dr. Who. She was a brilliant mathemetician and musician. Wendy/Walter Carlson as well. One woman said electronic music was a way for women to pursue their career in music where the traditional music industry structure was male dominated and more difficult. Excellent eye-opening episode.
Jane, when my dog approaches me in bed to caress her or she sleeps next to me, I think that you have to miss Tulea a lot and I send you all my love and support. 💕💕💕
Sandra von Siebenthal
I am so sorry for your loss – all my best wishes for you!
Jennifer Clarke
Hi Jane, glad to know everything for you is still rolling along despite another unpredictable year. Hoping 2022 sees a better year for the World. I’m in Perth and we have been so lucky but Omicron is now here and about to take hold.
Take care 💕
Gary McMahon
I’m late on this blog, but I’m sorry to hear about your dog Tulea, and typical of you, I feel, to be right by her and when she died. That happened to me too back in 2012 and I too resolved, No more. It’s achingly hard to go through, even if it’s all part of life doing its thing, whatever the hell that’s all about. So these days I just feed the birds and squirrels out back, and maybe break up the odd squirrel spat, which is manageable – – I mean it’s not like they’re pressing the escalation button like our own mad bstards. If only diplomatic solutions were this manageable, like all we need are separate food stations…
Isabel Santos
Dear Jane,
I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your darling Tulea. I didn’t know. Animals are a gift. There is no other way to put it. Their passing is a devastating loss, that only animal lovers and protectors can understand. I know the pain all too well. It brings you to your knees.
I hope you can pass the pain soon and live with her memory forever. They never leave us, their presence is constant and eternal.
All my love
Isabel xxx