My squirrel keeps eating the walnuts I leave but she doesn’t seem to be getting fatter or showing me more love. Are any of you knowledgeable enough to know if it’s a girl or boy? I think girl. All I know is that feeding her my nuts everyday makes me feel good. About 7 years ago, I was in a swimming pool in Baha, California, when I heard the news that the Fukushima Japanese nuclear power plant had had a serious accident. I know something about these things. I made “China Syndrome” and I’ve studied the subject of nuclear energy so I was overcome with emotion. Right then, I saw that a bee had fallen into the swimming pool and was struggling. I wanted above all else to save that bee and I did, scooping it out of the pool with a leaf. In fact, I think I blogged about doing that and how it made me feel better. Just doing that little act of kindness helped. It’s like that with my squirrel.
Isabel Puigros
Por favor sigue escribiendo sobre tu ardilla,yo nunca he visto ninguna, aquí hay tortugas terrestres y es un placer verlas y darles de beber,estas pequeñas cosas y estar rodeada de naturaleza alegra la vida.
Isabel Puigros
Enhorabuena por tu libro Jane,tu comentario es muy acertado,nada cambia si no se lucha en grupo por los derechos cíviles.
Hello Jane, you’ve been with me through thick and thin, and I am so grateful! Originally from the USA, I’ve lived in Israel for all of my adult life. I live in an area that suffers periodically from rocket attacks. Grace & Frankie became my TV sisters in the bomb-proof room, and continued to keep me company through all of the seasons. (I was in seriously withdrawal when the last season ended). Now with COVID upon us, you’re helping me to keep fit. My abs have never been so engaged! When my 91 year old Mom in CT fell ill and it was impossible to fly over to be with her, you helped me to keep my sanity. My Mom was the type of woman that you will certainly continue to be: trim, fit, beautiful, intelligent, and glad to dispense smart advice.
Thank you for being there for me!
David Gruber
Greetings, Jane! I am just so excited to be here with you and your readers. I am enjoying reading your “What Can I Do” book very much. I am grateful for the inspiration and call to action. I saw your interview with Seth Meyers and heard the tail-end of your interview on the NPR program “Here and Now”. I didn’t realize until the very end it was you being interviewed. I went out and ordered your book from a local bookseller immediately! I live in Portland, Oregon. The fires up and down the West Coast should leave no one questioning climate change. I wish everyone was onboard. A side note on squirrels: In the last house my wife and I lived in before moving to our apartment, we had a resident gray squirrel that raised many litters of babies in one of the support pillars of our porch. A mother squirrel will have two very prominent nipple lines while she is nursing. That’s clear giveaway about a squirrel’s sex. 😊❤
Jane very good conversation with Eva Longoria now I need my book to arrive to start learning, thank you very much for your effort and dedication.
Jane 4 years ago I discovered you again because I knew you I had done your trainings and I saw all of your films that came to Mexico when I was a teenager, I discovered yesterday in the talk that the most important thing you have taught me is to say “NO” and no regrets, thanks Jane💕💕💕
So I read today that the Wisconsin Supreme Court resolved the issue. They decided to keep the Green Party off the ballot. Whatever that means?? This decision could provide a small but significant lift to joe Biden. Which is important in Wisconsin I think? They will start mailing ballots tomorrow. More than 1 million Wisconsin voters already requested a absentee ballot. That’s crazy! I want to thank you for offering to find answers I know your time is very valuable. I appreciated that.
Love always,
Apparently all the envelopes were ready to be sent but the ball;ots were inside hem because they were being held p in a Republican effort to totally redo/print ballots to get the Green Party candidate’ name on them. That’s why you haven’t yet received your ballot. so fortunate that the courts ruled against this. Whew!
I received my ballot today! So excited. I’ve never been this excited about an election ever. Fireside Friday was great today as always. I loved the shout out for Detroit. I share your love of Detroit! My Dad is from there and I still have relatives that live there! I absolutely love going there. We go every year for my bday. I was so sad we couldn’t go this year. Hopefully when it’s safe to go out again firedrill Friday’s will go there and I will definitely try and to be there to support you!!! Great news about the postal service to! Altogether a great Friday!
Love always,
Jane, if I can do it from Mexico, I can help you by writing emails or speaking on the phone in Spanish, only you give me the data and I write or call if this being possible of course.
Candita, I will check on it. xx
Hi Ms Fonda squirrels only retrieve one in five nuts they burry I leave the two that visit our garden monkey nuts and watch them munch away. X
Hi Jane! I was going through some of your old workout videos, and I saw Leslie Lilien. I searched the internet for her, but there were no records of her except a very tiny imdb credit. I was wondering, are you still in touch with her, and if so how is she doing?
Alas, I have lost touch with Leslie.x
Cassandra Lohr
I have found from my many walks around Lake Balboa Park, if you make a high pitched kind of sucky squeak- ok good luck figuring that one out- they come to you- I have become obsessed since I moved out here-
I wish I could post a picture – I have videos of these squirrels coming up and taking a peanut from my hand- it’s amazing – email me and I’ll send you a clip- it’s so cool –
Love Grace and Frankie
Everyone says they wrote it about my sister and I-
She’s the oldest but I’m the fire -she’s going to be 80 in Jan- And me – 62..we hit up Every march around –
And I always say I’m about to lose my shit- lol-
Anyway – if you want to see the video – send an email and I will attach it-
I have a few and they are short – they are on my phone-
How sweet! She (definitely a girl) is not getting fat because she is storing most of them. Interesting fact: Squirrels forget where they bury nearly 75 percent of their nuts. As a result, they plant millions of trees a year.
Your environmental work knows no bounds, Jane. 🙂
Bryn Meadows
Leaving a comment on an older post, I feel like my parents liking a photo on Facebook from last year. My husband just sent me a Twitter link to your Christmas tree post- which was very exciting for me (JANE FONDA HAS A BLOG!?!). Anyways- I am obsessed with the squirrels in my yard. We have many, and they are very enthusiastic about snacks. I have trained a couple of them to come to the kitchen window (squirrel drive-through) by making kissy noises- they will come running and quite gently take nuts from my hand. They make super cute purring sounds- which I think is a happy noise? I also leave a basket of nuts tied to a tree, but they just take them and bury them in my flower pots. Some of them are braver than others- one in particular, whom I named Leonard (I think he bears a resemblance to Leonard Cohen) is very tame. I also saved many bumblebees from the pool this summer, which was good for my self-esteem. Early in the summer when it was cooler (I’m in Canada) I even brought out a heating pad to warm them up before they flew off. This year I have made a point of telling all the bees “sorry about everything, you’re doing a good job!”.
Side note- thank you Jane for your leadership. I am a therapist who has specialized in eating disorders for many years and I can’t thank you enough for how you have spoken on this topic, which is generally so shrouded in shame and secrecy. And thank you for being an all-around badass feminist role model. <3
You sound like a wonderful prtson, Bryn!!