How come time seems to be going so much faster. Man oh man!
I had lunch with Billy Blanks today. I had never met him before. Billy is a former World Champ Karate, boxer, martial arts master. He made (and continues to make) workout videos called Tae Bo. We both felt we’d met kindred spirits. We are so alike! I asked him to be part of the First Annual World Fitness Day that I’m launching in the Georgia Dome May 1st. He signed on. It’s gonna be a fantastic event. More later. But Billy (who is currently living and teaching in Japan) really cares about young people. He funded a youth center at his church in downtown Los Angeles and spends a lot of his time talking to and motivating young people. He’s been to Iraq and Afghanistan on many occasions to talk to the soldiers. I am looking forward to getting to know him better but I left the lunch with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

I have two more days here (LA) before I go to Atlanta for a G-CAPP board retreat and to see my daughter and grandchildren. It’s been too long.

I got a number of blog comments asking the name of the fantastic cuban pianist I wrote about last time. It’s Alfredo Rodriguez and he is performing tonight in San Francisco. See the blog comments and you’ll find the name of where he’s performing.

See you next time.

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  1. I’m so excited for World Fitness Day! No better person to come up with it than you, and now that Billy is a part I’m sure it’ll be a success.

  2. Jane, Alfredo is performing tomorrow night, the 26th, not tonight, at Yoshi’s on Fillmore. Thanks to your blog, I got tickets to see him!

  3. I get so much pleasure just watching to see what you’ll do next. World Fitness Day! What a great idea! I also think it’s moving the way you take time to help bring recognition to artists and activists who inspire you. You inspire me!

  4. Hello Jane,
    I hope you have a good trip back into Georgia.
    The martial arts master and video concept for self learning is interesting. I think of how David Carridine was doing very will in his programs,for older people , Boomer and the like. Using his skills , I was telling Mella Jovovich who was talking about teaching martial arts to her young child, and I also think that you learn some same things in Art Drawing as Martial Arts.Very sad about David Carridine, one more person on the Oscars show we lost last year.

  5. engaged for youth,engagement in Irack, talking to the soldiers,on the top of fitness field, engaged on all front mentally and physically,Billy BlanKs and you are in symbiosis! frederique dhenein

  6. Very cool! When I was a kid, I worked out to your record album!! Ha, a record…not even the video. And I just got Billy’s ultimate Bootcamp dvd that I’m using now, because it’s the New Year’s resolution…and life resolution to workout consistently.

    You are both an inspiration!


  7. Jane-
    It’s been so wonderful to see the response from all over the world to the crisis in Haiti. Some would say too little too late…but I like to think it’s never too late to do good. I’d like to urge those that haven’t given, to click on to the right of us….> and while they are at it….don’t forget the V-day site and the women and children of the Congo. Blessings to everyone!

    Pray For Peace

  8. I don’t want pro-choice, or pro-life, or religious, or political ads to show during ANY of the sports programs I watch. For cryingoutloud, can’t we keep all of that out of just ONE francise, just ONE…please. Take it to the streets like a protester should!

  9. BILLY BLANKS?? I LOVE him. I did TaeBo in my basement for 3 years!! i Ordered his son’s new DVD Cardioke. It’s ok, I’m not too keen on the music he chose but I LOVE the concept!!
    When you see him again PLEASE tell him he has a BIG fan (and Black Belt fan:) in MD.
    Also, just wanted to tell you I had my 12 yr old triplets watch On Golden Pond tonight. What a GREAT! movie and has stood the test of time. they REALLY enjoyed it. EVERY time I watch it I cry… You and your dad were PRICELESS in that movie…
    Where was that movie filmed?

  10. Billy Blanks is the BOMB!

  11. Hello Jane

    My name is Bervin Jackson. I’m a passionate fitness trainer here in Atlanta Georgia. We were in communication some time ago I was trying to get you to come and experience my unique fitness program called Cross-Exercises. I have now created my own healthy pizzas, and I would like for you to taste one. I really could use your help in building my passions. Can you help me?

    Bervin Jackson

    • Good luck, Bervin. I wish you all success but, alas, I am not in a position to help you with this endeavor. xx

  12. I am inviting all of the health contious individuals to come and visit the beautiful caribbean coast of Nicaragua. I am willing to donate 2 acre lots to whomever wants to build their dream vacation home, in front of the beautiful caribbean coast line. I presently own 700 acres of which 300 acres will be donated to qualified families, leaving the remaninder of the property for a private landing strip, golf course and dock for your fishing boats. Send me your emails to send you pictures of the property. There is no catch, just wanting to share this beautiful part of the earth with some wonderful people. It would be selfish of me to have so much and to not be willing to share. I hope to hear from u.


  13. I would be interested in building a spa/training camp to all those Billy and Jane followers. Will donate the land and will give you all of the government tax exemptions available. Foe your free homesite lots you can contact me at: [email protected]


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