

Active 2 years, 6 months ago
  • Dear Ms. Fonda,
    A warm “hello” to you, yours, and others who visit this site. Before I share with all of you my thoughts about GRACE AND FRANKIE, there is something personal I would feel remiss if I did not share. Because it’s been some time since I last wrote to you, I will touch upon an event from my life that relates directly to one of my two…[Read more]

  • Ms. Fonda:
    Thank you for this recent post, which I enjoyed very much. Thank you also for sharing your thoughts and observations in regard to the world and its current state. The points you touch upon are at the forefront of my own mind.
    I’ve had a lot of time to think just recently, as I am convalescing from cervical spine surgery. According to…[Read more]

  • A belated–yes–but sincere Happy Birthday to you… and a Happy New Year! Once again, you have given gifts–of compassion, wisdom, and optimism–during a time when you should be the one receiving them. I would be […]

  • Ms. Fonda:

    Burning the midnight (make that five a.m.) oil here. After my nightly writing session, I lay down to go to bed and found myself wide awake. I turned on the TV, in the hope I could relax and […]

  • Ms. Fonda:

    How wonderful it is to have a new blog post from you — one in which you’ve managed to cover a lot of ground. Work certainly has a way of making one prioritize his or her time. I am currently burning […]

  • Ms. Fonda,

    Between writing and revising (which, as you know, takes up a considerable amount of time) and reading a wonderful new novel, Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Sympathizer (in which, in case you didn’t know, […]

  • Ms. Fonda,

    I have an appointment with the oral surgeon on Wednesday (the 20th) so that finally I may have much-needed work done. It’s time. Actually, past. I’ve lost too much weight, my health has suffered, and […]

  • Ms. Fonda,

    Much gratitude to you for sharing your thoughts. Love and empathy — absolutely. We need to exercise both now more than ever, what with the exorbitant amount of enmity and intolerance that are […]

  • Ms. Fonda,

    Wonderful post! I should know, as I’ve survived now for 20-plus years as a server, while also — in the wee hours of night and morning — being a writer. In a way, one feeds the other. No pun […]

  • Thank you, Ms. Fonda. “Go for it with everything you have”–that’s what I’m doing.

    On a synchronous note, I found out just tonight that one of the producers who is going to be reading my screenplay is a man who […]

  • Ms. Fonda,

    This evening (or rather, morning) I read your interview in DuJour. What can I say? The wisdom you imparted arrived for me at a synchronous time. Considerations regarding one’s life, one’s legacy, […]

  • Ms. Fonda:

    First, a belated but happy birthday to you. As we mature and accrue life experience and wisdom, every year that arrives and comes to pass is one for which we learn to be grateful; even though at […]

  • John commented on the post, POWER OF WOMEN 10 years, 4 months ago

    Ms. Fonda,

    I just had the pleasure of listening to the interview you gave for “Death, Sex, and Money.” And while I enjoyed it, felt bolstered by it, nodded my head in commiseration, and shed some empathic […]

  • Peter, good for you, sir! I’ve had more than a few conversations with others as the one you had with your parents.

    As for “Comes a Horseman,” enjoy it. It’s a beautiful film. The acting is wonderful. How can it […]

  • Oh, yes. Anne Marie. Even then, with only a few scenes (my favorite being between Lilly and Anne Marie in the bar, when Anne Marie in her stuffy socialite’s voice is asking briefly about Julia’s anti-Fascist work, […]

  • Ms. Fonda,

    This evening I had the immense joy and pleasure of watching the AFI tribute in which you were named as a recipient. How overwhelmed I felt… and still feel. So much gratitude, love, happiness, […]

  • Ms. Fonda, that’s right! Troy did play Barry Winchell; Lee Pace, Calpernia. Both should have been recognized with regard to awards. Work as good as theirs, which is on ample display in Soldier’s Girl, is more than […]

  • Ms. Fonda, you’re very welcome. Generous words, heartfelt and true, should be offered to those who have made a difference in others’ lives through their vocation and passion. Certainly, this applies to you! How […]

  • Ms. Fonda,

    Two things you mentioned in this post (Pittsburgh and Russell Crowe), as well as yourself, have been subjects of conversations I’ve had with others this past week. Talk about synchronous bliss! […]

  • John commented on the post, EXCITING NEWS 10 years, 10 months ago

    Ms. Fonda,

    Thank you for the advice you gave me on your previous blog post (“Being a Teen”) with regard to coping with bipolarity, depression, low self-esteem, and loss. It is my hope that you know how grateful […]

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