
From: Kurtis

Question: Do you have any words of advice for someone trying to recover from anorexia? I am a 28 year old teacher trying to recover from it. I used to weigh 300lbs. I got to 109 and was in hospital. Now at 127-130. I’m so SCARED to gain weight.

Answer: Find a group of people near you who are recovering food addicts. Read my book, My Life So Far. I discuss my own addiction.

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  1. I had an eating disorder. I never realized how much my life revolved around it. I was happy that I was losing weight, yet miserable all of the time. I went and talked with a woman at some sort of behavioral health center. I really didn’t think it was helping…BUT IT WAS! I knew that the doctor was going to ask me every week if I was still vomiting up everything. I was scared that I would disappoint her, so I stopped vomiting. I didn’t go very long because I was convinced I was fine. To make a long story short, the eating disorder came back. It came back ten times worse than before. It is important that you find help and stick with it. Even though you may think you have it under control, you probably don’t. Getting help will change your life for the better. Good Luck

  2. I have a feeling I’m not doing this correctly but hope you see this Jane!

    I’m an Occupational Therapist working in a Seniors Fall Prevention Program in Richmond, BC (Canada). We do presentations to Seniors about fall prevention as a part of our program in public health. We are in the midst of re-vamping our presentation and are wanting to add a list of “Famous Fallers”. I saw you on the Oprah show and you mentioned having a hip replacement…..I was wondering whether that was related to a hip fracture after a fall by any chance at all?? We would love for you to be a famous faller for our presentation……thanks so much and hope to hear back!!

    • Rishma, nope, I suffer from osteo arithritis, no falls yet, but it sure mis an important topic …I mention it on my new DVDs for older folks and talk about how stAying strong and practicing balance can help prevent falls and I give special exercises. Xx

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