05/04/09 – Her Life Her Words

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  1. You are going to be in so much trouble……….love the video such memories. Mash, Hair, Woodstock, dirty little lies, big horrible lies, watergate, Bobby, Jack, got married in 1961, cuba crisis & me in Sarasota, trailer new husband working all the time, knew nothing just glad to be away from……what had been at home. No bra, lots of mouth, never at a loss for words and always in a fight, many times over you. Larry didn’t have to go, he married me, girlfriends lost husbands, brothers, I was 15 when married in 1961, Barbarella rocked our world, Klute was classic, times were so bad and yet so good now at age 63 and looking back at it……you are going to be in so much trouble, that is what they always were saying to me……just shut up and look the other way. That didn’t happen. Took 20 years to drag me into any kind of conformity………2 kids, 5 grandkids, 2 great grandkids and the same husband and you rock my world. I am tired of sitting on the side lines of my life, love that video……umhum so many blind minds good to know there are still phoenix rising out of the ashes of the past Lady Jane Seymore, long ago Queen of England, struggled and her epitaph reads, “Here lies Jane, a phoenix, Who died in giving another phoenix birth. Let her be mourned, for birds like these
    Are rare indeed. Lady Jane Seymour reminds me of your third act, you too are giving birth, wondrous bird. Labor pains of a remarkable past which makes you what you are becoming today. I so remember you……… I am a survivor.

  2. I started twittering when I saw you on the View. My husband and I were sitting there listening about the awards when you said you “twittered” and we looked at each other, it didn’t mean the same thing to us as it means today lol. This is my 2nd Blog. Twittering is fun, but, Blog…Good Golly miss Molly what a Blast! I read my former epistal to my husband, Larry and he said I had to write back and say hi from him. You rock his world too.

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