Leaving St. John’s today!! Hooray!!!
I am so happy to be going home. You know when it’s time. The antsiness, feeling the push to get on with things. Dr Moreland and all the nurses have been wonderful but I’d had enough bed pans and being wakened at 3am to have my vital signs taken–especially when I knew my vitals were full of vitality.
I’ve been thinking about my history with St John’s Hospital in Santa Monica: I had my tonsils out there when I was 6 years old. My maternal grandmother, Sophie Seymour, died there at 95 years old. It was the perfect way to go. She looked up at me and said, “I’m tired and I’m ready.” She’d had a hard life, losing both her daughters too soon (it’s always too soon if the child dies before the parent). Later, Gene Hayden, my mother-in-law, died in St. John’s. 3 years ago Dr Moreland replaced my hip there. Yep, I’ve had history with that hospital. Several of the Catholic sisters came to say hello and goodbye. One, in particular, was very funny. She said she liked my politics, what I stand for, so she’d forgive me for being skinny.
When he came to say goodbye this morning, Dr Moreland said that I seemed different, lighter, than when he’d done my hip. I feel that way but didn’t think it was apparent to someone who doesn’t know we well. Lighter, to me, means happier, carrying less of a burden. Some of this has to do with feeling more confidence that I can find work. The possibility of doing theatre has opened up for me now and theatre offers more interesting possibilities for an older actor.
Some of the lightness has to do with love. I feel much more surrounded by love than I did three years ago. I don’t know which comes first, the lightness or the love. Maybe it has to do with age, too. It’s very common for older people to feel more positive about things. They see commonalities more than differences. I do. They don’t sweat the small stuff.
That’s about all the abstract musings I can muster on this day of going home.
See you next time.
Lookin’ good, Jane!! Take it easy. Glad the sun’s finally out here for you to enjoy.
Pierre Gauvin-Évrard
On June 19, ‘The Nelson Mandela of Burma’, Aung San SUU KYI, the only Nobel Prize in it’s History not free for more than 14 years had her 64 anniversary, the ninetheen in the worst jail in Burma, Insein… Please help her for her freedom and all the people of Burma… Thanks, pierre
DICTATORSHIPS, WHATEVER THEY MAY BE, AND INCLUDING THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE “I” OR EGOCENTRISM, RELY ON INDIFFERENCE TO PERDURE / LES DICTATURES, QUELLES QU’ELLES SOIENT, Y COMPRIS CELLES DES ‘JE’ OU DES ÉGOCENTRISMES, COMPTENT SUR L’INDIFFÉRENCE POUR DURER ! July 13/le 13 juillet 2006. Pierre Gauvin-Évrard / Le 10 octobre 2007, le 4365e jour d’isolation de Daw Aung San SUU KYI, “La Nelson Mandela de Birmanie”, seul/e Prix Nobel de la Paix non libre dans toute l’Histoire ! / Please diffuse the name of Aung San SUU KYI. Thank you ! / S.V.P., propagez le nom d’Aung San SUU KYI. Merci ! pge
Hey Girl,
You look great! I’m so excited for you! Bionisized Jane on the road to recovery! WooHoo!
And Tulea so happy to be in your arms again.
Whats up with the new chat thing?
You mean I might really have a chance to chat with you? Have a reply to what I write? Oh happy day!
Your the bee’s knees(thegoodversion)Jane!
Pollinating the world with love…………..
Jane I just caught the picture of You & Tulea night before leaving St.Johns Hosp. What a hoot girlfriend!
You look a little buzzed or am I wrong? I mean it makes sense after all you’ve got to take care of the pain. ha
Its the second pick on”Two Days Later”.
Happy Trails……..
Jane, you’re standing and you look great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonderful. Now a coach for a long rehabilitation. From Uruguay with love.
nirmala heriza
Hey Jane. That was fast. And, amazingly, only 3 days post op , your chi and you look incredibly vital, healthy and young. Another bravo! ….Unsolicited rx you may already know about…..many of my patients and friends have used a surgical homeopathic multiplx formula to expedite post op recovery. The demonstrated results for reducing pain, inflammation and swelling have proven to be remarkable. It’s available thru Santa Monica Drug company’s online store..www.smhomeopathic.com. under homeopathy for surgery. Or, you can most likely get it in Atlanta at a natural drug store. Wishing you a continued speedy and dynamic recovery.
With love- Nirmala
Kathy White
Way to go! You give me courage. I’m getting a hip replacement on the 1st. I hope I do as well as you. Feel good and keep us posted.
Wow, so quickly. You are standing up too! Is it a bit wobbly to stand? Must be a bionic knee! Jamie Sommers eat your heart out. Go Jane!
Marsha Keeffer
Go Jane! You look great…keep up the rehab, I have confidence in you!
Glad to see you leaving the hospital!! You look like you feel great!! Hope your recovery goes well!!
wow, you rock!
Timothy Dougherty
Ok, looks like a walker and not a wheelchair and your standing your doing a wonderful job Jane
Jennifer Delora
Oh Jane ouch. I had a full knee replacement about 3 years ago and at 47 it’s dislocating out of it’s place. Don’t know what to do about it. Ur diligent and hard working – you’ll heal and be doing stairs in 2 days like I was. I was up and ready to leave Upstate NY to NYC doing 5 flight walk up to apt and all the stairs to the subway and out of the Metro North at 225th street in 7 DAYS – knowing you? You’ll be dancing in 3 days! Good luck with that, they’re not fun but necessary 🙂 Jennifer
Darlene Frank
Good for you Jane!!
OMG! You are walking and you look like the teenager leg you just got! Thank you for sharing your life. You make me more fearless everyday.
Lorna Singh
Hi Jane
I see the walker is opened.But you wont need that for much longer.Well Done.
Tulea is a cutie.
Hi Jane:
I met you briefly at LGA on June 4th, when you so graciously let me take a picture of you with my daughter Logan Blake and her boyfriend Josh (we live in Georgia, also).
Logan is interning with Dolce & Gabbana and living in the NYU dorms.
I am a private practice PT and will be glad to help you with your knee rehab when you return to Atlanta, just let me know by email.
Keep the spirit, you are awe inspiring! Cyndi
brian w jones
Best wishes for a speedy complete recovery! I so enjoyed your performance in 33 VARIATIONS on MAY
3rd and do hope you’ll consider editing your BWAY blog into book form, perhaps the first ever of its kind I think?
Yvonne Bursch
congrats…standing on your own 2 feet!!! looks like tulea is happy too!
Hooray! You go Jane! You’re amazing in every way… : )
The very fact that a nun likes what you stand for, reinforces my belief in humanity. There is always a light and a way through the murkiness. Amen – Awomen….
Or is it the other way around? Ha!
Glad you are going home. It is always lovely to come home. I am 53 and I am not feeling as light as you describe….I wished I were.
My son moved to LA 2 years ago. I miss him, I worry that he is having a very hard time finding a job (has a BA in Film/Video and in Journalism). He lives in a studio – tiny, not even able to afford that, I am trying to help. The LA crime rate scares me to death. Have you looked at the LA Crimemap?
This may be why I am not feeling “light”! LOL! You need to know someone in that town, and we don’t. It seems to me to be a place that uses people. If you do find a job it is a contract job, not possibility of insurance, etc. He was a Page, they pay terrrible, keep them well under 40 hours, and of course no insurance. Sigh….but he won’t consider coming back to our state (can’t blame him there 🙂
Alll to say…..glad you are feeling light, I hope to one day myself!!! Get well soon! I know you will.
I absolutely love receiving your insight and humor. Your blog is a highlight of my day. I am inspired by all you’ve accomplished in the past month alone — finishing the play, the Tony Awards, the Galapagos adventure, a knee replacement, and so much in between. You are a total inspiration. I love the nun’s line about forgiving you for being skinny, and am so favorably struck by the doctor’s statement. To have a man of science see that you are lighter … that is so cool. You are a real jewel, Jane, and I hope you will perform live theater in San Francisco so I have the privilege of being in your audience and standing for your ovation.
I’m thrilled to know you’re doing great! I’m sure doing this blog, twittering, and facebooking has added to the love people show you.
Margaret Costello
It’s so nice of you to share so much of yourself with us. And I’m really proud of how technologically saavy you are.
All the best, Margaret.
Lexy Capp
Rock On! You are an inspiration to many!
Keep on keeping on….forget those things that are behind and press on the best is yet to come.
You are very important and you SHINE.
Blessings on you,
Liz Barrett (@celeblogger)
You rock! Thanks for keeping us posted. We love you. 🙂
I am glad that you are recovering. I totally admire your activism and think you are a great actor. I think you’re beautiful too, but my wife may get upset for saying so. LOL
wow – just discovered your blog. check it every morning at work and keep everyone within immediate vicinity of desk informed. hello from glasgow.
You’re going to make a complete recovery and that knee will be doing 120% before long. I take inspiration from your positivity. Thanks so much.
Best wishes from Germany
Ditto to all of the previous posts….What more could I possibly say…This is certainly building up confidence for me with my replacement coming up soon…Thank you for telling it the way it is………..
You’re looking fab! I bet you wish you could do the play again with your new knee!!! Hope to see you on the broadway stage again! xo from chelsea, nyc!
Needing knee replacement myself, doctor wants me to hold off a bit longer if I can. I am 55 and nervous about it. I can’t believe how quickly you are going home and how wonderful you look. Thank you for the inspiration. So you must be continuing your physical therapy at home. Good for you.
jill in fargo
Wow finally some good news! Been watching the Iranian uprising all morning and then came upon the picture of you- an inspiritation as usual! So neat the Dr. recognized the new Broadway Jane 🙂 Love the key always- Love of self especially! Keep on being you Jane…you Rock! Happy Healing from Fargo!
Philip Cairns
Jane, I wish you a speedy recovery. I sent you some Reiki, a day or two ago. As required by my training, I asked your permission, on a psychic level, and I heard your voice, loud and clear, say, “Yes”. I will send you some more.
Lots of love.
Even though our lives are so different (except for age), we think as ‘one’! ….so amazing to me. Thank you for sharing the ‘light’!!!
Jane, as you type, “gozas” great inner peace. In the race of life, the knee was an obstacle to overcome and we did. You feel very motivated and that is excellent. From Uruguay with love
Jane, this is beautiful. You’re very inspirational to me, and feeling light? I want that, too. One day to have what you will be a happy day, indeed.
By the way, I was born at St. John’s Hospital, but haven’t been back since!
Wishing you all the best,
As you age things become more lighter and you are right They don’t sweat the small stuff.
Glad you’re getting to go home. Taqke care of yourself. We really appreciate the blogs you post letting us be a part of your life. Hope you continue to improve each day.
PS: Another cute pic of you. Love you in that ball cap.
“It’s very common for older people to feel more positive about things. They see commonalities more than differences. I do. They don’t sweat the small stuff.”
Wonderful insight. It made my day. I hope your recovery is speedy.
Take care..
Roseann Haggerty
You are the picture of Vitality! Perfectly upright, smiling, and holding Tulea, you’d never know you just had surgery. So Amazing! Sharing your joy, everyone heals faster at home in their own bed, favorite book,etc. Keep up the great work, and your sure to be rid of that walker in no time. You can decorate it for laughs, my brother did mine and everyone got a kick out of it.
I think when Love envelopes us it automatically makes us lighter (Happier), which keeps us moving forward in all areas, and allows us to bring others with us. You bring such Happiness, and love to so many.
Stay Blessed
Nancy Draper
Jane, so happy the surgery went well. I’m sure Tulea was delighted to see you! You look great! Good luck with the physical therapy. We want to see you enjoying doing all those activities that bring you happiness. Afterall, this IS your “Third Act” and I know you’ll enjoy every minute of it. I hope to see you doing more theatre and films. Loved watching you perform in “33 Variations.” There’s no question that you’re a first class actress!
Jane, you look fantastic! You’re already standing…no one would even know you just had knee surgery:D
Keep your spirits high!!:D
All my best,
The ICEMAN Model 1100 Cold Therapy system, a trademark of dj Orthopedics, LLC was a life saver for me when I had my 2 knee replacements.
Keeping the inflamation DOWN & under controll is the key. This unit certainly does the job and then some. Hope this helps! Get well soon!
Linda Hendrix
Hi Jane, I’m so glad to hear you have joined the sisterhood of the new knees! I had my right one done on Feb. 10 and the healing was a breez from that one. I had the left one done on May 12 and I’m still doing therapy for that. It has been a lot more difficult. I wish you a very speedy recovery! I was showing dogs on day 25 after my first one. The hardest part for me was having to send most of my dogs off to stay with a friend who lives 100 miles away. You’re so lucky to have your beautiful girl with you.