I’m inspired by Greta Thunberg and the young people who came out in unprecedented numbers, behaving like the mature adults in the room. Greta has called on us to get out of our comfort zones, stop business as usual and start behaving like we’re in a crisis, like our house is on fire…because it is. So I’m moving to DC to take more direct action. Stay tuned.

With my pal Saffron Burrows at the LA Student Strike For Climate. I am going to act like my house is on fire.

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  1. Im glad you are doing firedrill fridays. We need big names out there in the street so Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have a phrase that I use in comments on Twitter and FB, which is #MoratoriumNow. I have a description on my blog heres the link: I hope you take a minute to read it. If you like please think on this idea and perhaps mention it. I feel that not enough people are saying that the big things that need to be done are actually Very Big, and a moratorium is one of them. My brother who is finance poo-poos me but, I persist. I also have an idea for a public awareness campaign involving “Ask ME” T(each)-shirts that is quite good. If you want to reach me I’m at [email protected] Thanks again for using your power for good in the world.

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