We started tech rehearsals at 1pm today in the Ahmanson Theatre. We are all so happy to finally be in here. It is a nice theatre. Big but not scary. Friendly, even. And how great to be able to have the stage, the stupendous set, the lights and that wide open dark, right now empty ( but soon to be filled) space to talk to– especially me because I spend so much time talking to the audience…I’m the scholar on a mission, after all. And in costume…learning where we will go for our quick changes…I have a 12 second change! It all takes coordination and team work. The crew here seems really nice and professional which is no surprise given the quality of the admin leadership at the Center Theatre Group.
Tulea has made a home for herself in my new dressing room. I will take some pictures when I have my Gees Bend quilt in place…want to show my digs to best advantage. The room is larger, wider, than the one at the Eugene O’Neil but there is no separate room for the couch where I sleep between matinee and evening shows…love that time by myself.
Jennifer Weinstein is here to run line a during breaks and look after Tulea when i am working. Simone Bent, my daughter- in- law, came to get addresses from me to send invitations to our closing night fundraising party for The Womens Media Center on March 6th. Tommy Mitchell, who, works with me together with his wife, Carole, to bring my stuff– honey, green tea, dog food, candles, crackers, Propel water, my soft down sleeping pillow…well, I don’t need to bore you with all the details. I have a boom box and lots and lots of gorgeous CDs of various Beethoven works that I bought in Bonn when I went there to visit Beethoven’s birthplace, museum and the archives. I wept when I stood in the actual room where Beethoven was born.
Oh, see this? My friend, writer Hilton Als sent this to me. He found it on the Internet. Hilton wrote, “Clearly, you and ’33 Variations’ were meant to find each other.” this photo of me in a Beethoven sweatshirt with Peter McHenry was taken in 1968. Peter starred with me in 1967 in “La Curee“, the film my first husband, Roger Vadim, directed right before ” Barbarella”. Isn’t that too cool?
Back to today. We will work till 11:30 tonight and I will go home one tired mama. Tomorrow’s our day off and I will do my acupuncture thing, get a manicure which means taking off my polish. I don’t think a musicologist would wear nail polish.
Our break is over, so back to work.
Lesley Dewar
Lovely to read your blog, Jane. Friendly, casual and some down to earth. Got the link from Twitter, where we are connected http://twitter.com/nanastories
I won’t get to the US until the end of April but will be there most of May. I will look out for your performances, in the hope that I might be able to see you on stage, live and full of life.
I did see you in Barbarella, when it first came out and I have watched it a couple of times since. Those opening scenes while the credits ran were very avant garde for their day. What ever happened to that extraordinarily beautiful angel? 🙂
I wish you great success for this season of 33 Variations. We need to celebrate Beethoven. He enriches our lives still.
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>>>>> too COOL too Cute yo0° ty vm Jane
Bill Hillman
Love the picture of you with Peter McHenry. Thanks for sharing. Remember when you did the play in New York that you really had no time for other things. You needed your rest.
Timothy Dougherty
Hello Jane,
Sounds like your home, than again LA is a home in many way to all the Fonda family. I think of Peter on the Sunset Strip Riots, even the film of the same name Riot on Sunset Strip” (1967)or OPEN SEASON (1974) Peter Fonda arrested in the anti-war Sunset Strip riot in 67. Now the large stage at the The Ahmanson Theater for classical productions should be very nice for you. The glamour used to be the Sunset Strip ,now the real glitz is part of the Center Theatre Group/Ahmanson Theatre. Sounds like you have a good support system. Iwas thinking of Burt Lancaster and the film The Leopard (Italian: Il Gattopardo) is a 1963 Italian film by director Luchino Visconti. The Director had the draws in a scene with Burt Lancaster , filled with period shirts and other object that would not be seen on camera, and Lancaster ask the Director “Why? nobody will see it” and the Director said “It’s for the Prince” that was the Reference to his role, his Character ,would know it was there.
Mike b.
OMG those glasses, I CANNOT believe they have made a comeback. They sure don’t do anybody any favors (I’m talking to you Justin Timberlake). I remember back in the day we used to call them birth control glasses.
And, is 33 Variations headed to the silver screen, is anything in the works?
Still got those glasses, Jane? You did look very hip in them!
David Rahall
You’re beautiful in the photo, Jane. And I like the glasses!
We’ll be seeing you a week from Tuesday. Can’t wait!
So excited to see this show on Feb. 2nd! I have been reading your blog since the beginning. As an actress myself, I so enjoyed reading your blog about the rehearsal process, the show and now this! Can’t wait!
Bethany in Belfast, Northern Ireland
You are truly, truly beautiful.
Meaning: 1. having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind.
Nice picture Jane. You are everything every actress wishes they could be. Beautiful, a leading lady, with an amazing career full of excellent films and, importantly, LONGEVITY. I am looking forward to seeing you in another two movies!
Hi Jane,
Glad all is going well with 33 Variations.
The past few weeks I have been doing your new Jane Fonda Walkout. Love it! Your words of encouragement during the workout make all the difference. Thank you for doing it for us. Next time I order from Amazon I’m going to get your Fit and Strong workout. One question: Should I do the Fit and Strong on alternate days from the Walkout? I’m doing the Walkout 4 days a week as you recommended.
Maybe you will consider doing a new line of workout clothes. In the old days, I had your Jane Fonda Workout leotards. Today I never know what to buy.
Looking forward to reading your blog throughout the play.
Barbara, yes, that is great, ro do the Fit and Strong on alternate days. Keep me posted re tour progress. Really!
I’m Over The Moon with excitement, I just got my tickets, see you on March 1st!!!
Have a fabulous Opening Night 🙂
too good on this picture. I think your niece, Bridget,looks like you
You vere sooooooooooooooooooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (no that you aren’t today! 😉 )
That picture of you is ADORABLE!