It was exciting being on her show. She made me feel very comfortable and welcomed and the audience was fantastic. In between shooting, when we took breaks for the commercials, she and I would talk about various things we have in common: she told me she just went on a camping/fishing trip and loved it so we talked about the fact that too few African Americans venture into the wilderness; we both were rocked by Eckhart Tolle’s “The New Earth,” which she and he did a month long radio show about, complete with a curriculum based on the book which my friend, Elizabeth Lesser, developed. We talked about the importance and bravery of Tyler Perry admitting on her show that he had been sexually abused as a young boy. Perhaps you watched that show. Nov 5th, Oprah will air a subsequent show she did, again with Tyler Perry, with 200 men in the audience who had been victims of abuse. She said that when she drove up to her studio that day and saw all the men lined up waiting to come inside, she cried. I’ll bet one thing: I’ll bet that experience began the process of healing for those men. Breaking the wall of silence is the first step to healing. Isn’t Oprah something!? She’s affected so many lives.” Including mine. It was a thrill for me doing the show with her
Again, the show I did airs Oct 27th.
i could really relate to what you were saying on oprah. Thank You.
Lisa Marcus
Dear Jane,
I so enjoyed your interview on Oprah. Besides all the wonderful stories and inspiration you shared, I gained a very useful insight. All of us can reinvent ourselves time and time again. Isn’t that what life is all about? Growing, changing, navigating through the ups and the downs. What a wonderful message for all of us. Listening to you inspires many others to take that step, although not always easy, towards growth, change and self- understanding.
At 56 I can certainly agree with you that life does get better. We can all look forward with joy to the third act, a time of great flowering in our lives. Thanks for leading the way in the example of how you live your life.
I am part of a local radio show in South Florida and would love to have you as a as a call-in guest, if you would be willing. It would be a privilege to offer your message of hope to our listeners. Please contact us if you would be so kind to oblige.
Keep up the good work Jane- we need women like you to look up to!
Thank you, Lisa, I might one day to do your radio show but in the foreseeable future I don’t it will be possible cause I am so very busy. Raincheck?
Barb Newman
Dear Jane,
You truly are an inspiration! I read your autobiography when it first came out and madly started recommending it to everyone I knew. Despite the fact you are a glamorous, famous star and I am a simple, not famous, divorced mom, grandma, career women I was struck with how many parallels we had in our lives. It was my own story told by you. Has anyone else ever noticed this? I think the lesson is that far too many of us put up with too much crap, but thankfully by hearing you tell your story, we learn from each other and improve ourselves.
I love your story on Oprah about your one-on-one time with your new grandbaby. I too have felt the love when I am 100% present with each of my four grandchildren. Like you, I regret not doing that with each of my three children. The good news is like you I see my children taking time to be fully present with their children and I like to think they are learning by our example and they are amazing parentsI Love and learning and making change in the world one personal connection at a time!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Snow
Hi Jane…..You are LOVE..I wept many times listening to you on Oprah…you are beyond beautiful in person, face and wisdom. The sweetest story was the one about your Grandson…how precious and how fortunate we Gmommies are to have this experience. I stood next to once outside a Broadway play in New YOrk and you took my breath away I couldnt speak…all you had to say on Oprah had the same affect! You are such an inspiration and can only say THANK YOU for sharing yourself with the world!
Dance on!
jill westerholm
Beautiful interview on Oprah! You continue to inspire us all with your wisdom, beauty (!) and grace. I’m 44 and still feel as if my life- well that which I came here to do- hasn’t really begun yet. I have 2 beautiful children that I am a wonderful, present mother to, and have been married 20 years to their father, my best friend. And when I’m lost I realize its because I’m still searching what it is I’m supposed to do, I just keep reading, seeking, asking, observing. Being interested. I believe this real key to having joy in life. In the same week as your interview came this little piece. About Alice. Dancing in the Gallows. I believe you will be as moved by it as I was. And would love her to be in your book.
And here’s to realizing it’s the searching, the seeking that IS the fabric of Life. That IS what I/We came here to do.
Hi Jane! Im a 21 year old from Trinidad, a small island in the Caribbean. In my country the Oprah show with you aired yesterday. I must say, you are the hottest 72 year old …ever!! While listening to you talk i can hear the wisdom in you voice adn I must that you for sharing yourself with the world.; you taught me so much. When you talked about your grandson looking you in the eyes and saying that he loved you moved me to tears, because I wish my mom and I could have a relationship like that. I cant remember the last time she said she loved me and we live in the same house!
You are a wonderful person Ms. Fonda and dont you ever doubt that for a second. You are an inspiration!
You still look hot! hot! hot! Jane!! And Oprah is looking foxy too!! 🙂 All the best from England!
Hope you aren’t offended by my blatant sexist remarks! I do think you are an amazing woman.
Bernadette Boas
thank you so much for your interview with Oprah last month. I had tivo’d it and almost forgot it, until I was sick on the couch one day.
I was absolutely moved by your story and admissions.
I have been going through my own transformation (or a so called shedding of a bitch I once was), often finding myself overwhelmed with the beautiful, happy woman I have rediscovered in myself. Your stories, your authenticity, and openness with us, was so moving.
Thank you sincerely
P.S. would never have thought to ask until I saw your show – I am looking into a strong, powerful, and real woman to write a forward to my book (Shedding the Corporate Bitch), you would be so inspiring to my audience. Yes? I will look for ways to contact you on this.
Again,thank you,
does anybody know anything about the necklace jane was wearing on her latest with oprah
Hello Jane.
I watched your interview with Oprah today.
It was the BEST 40 minutes of television I have watched all year.
You just got yourself a new fan.
Love and Light,
Lee-Anne x
Loved your interview on Oprah. I always try to see your movies and the interview was a plus. I am 73 and have had the same attitude that you have. Keep learning and be curious.
Beautiful work you had done. I too had some work about 9 years ago. Can’t decide to do to it again or not.
Love your hair style. I have been trying to find one I like for several months now. And would like to show it to my stylist. It might not come out just like yours but would like to try. Can you tell me if you have a picture anywhere on the internet I could down load?
Keep inspiring us.