Last night was a birthday party for Daphna Kastner Keitel at a fabulous restaurant in Ocean Park, my old stomping grounds. It was a fun party and I saw people I hadn’t seen in a long time…like Bobby Shriver, Richard Baskin (who took these pictures), Jackie Bissett, Olivia Dabo, Tony Howard….Goodness how that part of town has been gentrified. I hardly recognized it. Back when Tom and I lived in the neighborhood it was redlined (banks had drawn a red line around the area cause they didn’t view it as viable for investment)…it was mostly thrift shops, bars and laundromats. I bought a house one block from the ocean for $40,000!!! That was 1972.

Now it’s today and I am writing and thus very happy. (My book).

Richard with Daphna, who he has known for decades

Richard, me, Daphna, artist Ed Ruscha, and Daphna and Harvey’s 5 year-old son, Roman

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  1. Harvey looks amazingly well! By the way the media has him he was on his death bed…very powerful to see him in such a good way..thanks for sharing with us…

  2. Do you know precisely when your new book is coming out?

    • no, not yet, got to finish it first and that has been challenging!!

  3. Your description of buying a house in 1972 for $40,000 (near the ocean) reminds me of what my husband said when we bought a house ten years earlier for $27,000: “in the future, we’ll pay for a CAR what we’re paying for a house and our house will be worth a million but our whole family will be living with us”!!!…he understood numbers (mechanical engineer with a law degree) and inflation. I thought he was crazy!

  4. $40,000?! Amazing! Look at the prices now.

  5. Hi i’m 29yrs old fixin to be 30! UGH! Iam always lookin at beautiful seasoned women and want to know their secret, but to afraid to ask. I have been a fan of you for as long as I can remember since my mother is as well. Ms.Fonda you have always been one of the most beautiful women in the world. Please tell me your secret! I can only pray that I will look a 1/4 as gorgeous as you when i’m 72. Any tips you might reveal would be amazing!!!!! Sincerely, Your fellow Georgian

  6. If I recall in your book you had to sell your long time home, and move to Ocean Park, on the request of Tom Hayden. Do you still think that was a good idea? I can’t help but notice that you have a change in you expression , I can only say it is one of well being , has there been a real change in you life?

  7. Jane,

    Looks like all of you had a fantastic time! I am glad you got to see some people that you have not seen in a while, how fun! I also enjoyed reading the part about you buying a house in 1972 for $40,000! Thanks for always posting such great blogs, they are always so enjoyable to read. 🙂

  8. Harvey looks fabulous and looks like such a good father!

  9. Lausanne, le 1er juillet 2010

    Objet : album biographique consacré à Harvey Keitel et intitulé, “Harvey Keitel,
    un goût de paradis”


    Suite à des recherches effectuées sur Harvey Keitel j’ai découvert, à ma grande surprise, que vous aviez créé un site sur lequel vous démontrer entretenir des relations amicales avec l’homme et sa famille. Des liens privilégiés qui m’ont donc conduit à vous écrire.
    En effet, essayant de contacter Monsieur Keitel (sans succès) depuis maintenant plus de 8 mois, je me suis alors dit que par votre intermédiaire je pourrais enfin parvenir à lui remettre une copie du manuscrit original en français ainsi qu’un exemplaire d’une version traduite en anglais (texte uniquement) afin qu’il puisse en prendre connaissance et me dire, suite à cette lecture, si il accepterai de collaborer à la réalisation de cet ouvrage en en corrigeant les erreurs puis en m’accordant la permission de choisir avec lui un lot de photos tirées de ses albums personnels (comme il l’avait fait pour “Welcome to L.A”) pour ensuite me donner son consentement en vue de sa publication.
    Au final, ce travail donnera naissance à un beau livre, richement illustré, honnête, sincère, et dont l’intégralité des droits d’auteur sera versée à “La Voix De l’Enfant”, à Paris, dont la porte parole est Madame Carole BOUQUET.

    Afin de pouvoir répondre à toutes les questions préalables que ce courrier suscitera, je vous communique toutes mes coordonnées. N’hésitez-pas, merci.

    Avec mes respectueuses et cordiales salutations,

    Monsieur Wittwer.

    Wittwer Stéphane
    3, chemin du Parc-de-Valency
    CH – 1004 Lausanne
    Tél : 021.626.27.06
    Mail : [email protected]

    Lausanne, July 1, 2010

    Subject: biographical album dedicated to Harvey Keitel and entitled, “Harvey Keitel
    a taste of paradise ”


    Following research carried out on Harvey Keitel I discovered to my great surprise, that you had created a site that show you have friendly relations with the man and his family. The special ties who have thus led to write.
    Indeed, trying to contact Mr. Keitel (unsuccessfully) for over eight months, I told myself that through you I could finally achieve her a copy of the original manuscript in French and a copy of a translated version in English (text only) so he can examine it and tell me, after reading this, if he will accept to work together to carry out this work in correcting the mistakes and then giving me permission to choose with him a batch of photos from his personal collection (as he did for “Welcome to LA”) and then give me his consent to its publication.
    Ultimately, this work will give birth to a beautiful book, richly illustrated, honest, sincere, and whose full copyright will be paid to “The Voice Child” in Paris, whose spokesman is Mrs. Carole Bouquet.

    To answer any preliminary questions that this letter will lead, I give you all my contact information. Do not hesitate, thank you.

    With my respectful and cordial greetings,

    Mr. Wittwer.

    Stéphane Wittwer
    3, chemin du Parc de Valency
    CH – 1004 Lausanne
    Tel: 021.626.27.06
    Mail: [email protected]

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