It was a big success last night

At Elaine Stangland's apartment with Gloria Steinem and Christina Biaggi for a Women's Media Center Fundraiser

View from Elaine's apartment window over the Dakota onto Central Park.

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  1. Hi Jane,

    It’s Joan Aderman. Remember me? I conducted your Adolescent Feminine Empowerment program at Thomasville Heights. It was good to see you standing next to powerful women including Gloria Steinem.

    I cannot think of any woman alive today who more personifies feminine power than you do. I have been conducting Feminine Empowerment programs for mature women and whenever I mention your name it is overwhelming to see how much you resonant in a very powerful and deep way with the female psyche. Women admire the way you have used your celebrity and power to raise your voice in defense of women and children who cannot protect themselves. But they especially admire your courage at writing so openly in your book that even someone as bold as you has still struggled with the “disease to please.”

    Women in our culture are too frequently chastened for being selfish if we are not willing to sacrifice our dreams, stifle our inner voices, relinquish our identities, and shrink our spirits in order to become what others want us to be. But a world which ignores the voices of women is a world that is too aggressive, confrontational, power seeking, and ultimately self-destructive. The world desperately needs to listen to and benefit from the voices of women – especially the wisdom of older women.

    I was excited to hear about your plans to host a World Fitness Day. Since the mind, body, and spirit are connected I believe that helping women reclaim the freedom to make our own choices and follow our own innner voices is indispensable to the maintenance of physical health. In fact, if women can turn the third act into a time to finally listen to the deep yearning of our souls, recognize the magnificence of our spirits, and find a new meaning and purpose in life this can become the best act.

    So I would like to volunteer my services (at no charge) either as a consultant or as a speaker for your World Fitness Day. Or I could help you incorporate the empowerment dance (a dance designed specifically to touch that part of women deep inside that knows they are powerful, beautiful, and worthy) which I choreographed to Aretha Franklin’s “Respect.” Remember? Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

    Keep fighting the good fight,

  2. Oh my, visions of Rosemary’s Baby, Woody Allen movies and John Lennon. Such a historic, impressive building. Thanks for sharing your view Jane!


  3. What went on at the fundraiser? Dying to know more… So good to see such nice photos. But doesn’t anyone have gray hair anymore? Just a thought…

    • Sure, Gloria has gray hair and so does Christine Biaggi. I am not brave enough.

  4. Has Jane taken up the Lesbyterian way of life?

  5. LOVE this photo!!! WOW!!! nice shot Jane.

  6. You and I grew up in the same generation and you became my idol many years ago with all of your accomplisments. At age 70 I’ve just published my third book, “Seeds of Passion” which brings out the abuse women and girls went through in the 50’s and 60’s, still do today, but the fear factor is my main point. You have been envolved in many women’s rights activities, I want the sequel to bring out just how women start national foundations and get publicity out there that yes, children are still being sexually abused at all ages, only educating the masses can slow it down and hopefully one day stop it. “Seeds of Destruction” will be the sequel and I want my characters to become envolved in bringing about the mass voice of exposure, even if its their own family member who is the abuser. Any suggestions on where I go from here?

    • Eula, I can’t think of any appropriate publisher now but I will sk around. What a grand idea…and important. Break a leg. xx jane

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