The ‘Morning’ After

March 10th

I put ‘morning’ in quotes cause it’s 3:30p. I got up at noon to walk Tulea for her 4th birthday but I’m going back to bed as soon as I write this. First of all, gotta tell you: I cut out the NYT review for my scrapbook AND DIDN’T READ IT!!! Talk about discipline!!! I felt like an addict who’s been clean and sober, washing out someone’s hash pipe and not even taking a whiff. But last night, in the throes of the post opening bash, Eve Ensler made me promise I wouldn’t read any of the reviews—so I can’t. Not till it’s all over. As I said the other day in my blog, all of us in the cast know it’s a deep, strong play and that we are a powerful ensemble so whatever anyone else says or writes, we hold this in our hearts.

What a fun party it was! So many friends and well wishers. I was too preoccupied with the fun of it all to think of twittering. Rachel, my assistant, took some video (boy does she clean up good!!—a knock out!) and I may include it in a later blog depending on how well it turned out. But here are some pix from backstage in my dressing room right after. I have to laugh at me next to Dolly. She’s sooo white and I’m so—brown (To mention but one of the differences).

Credit: Bruce Glikas 2009

Credit: Bruce Glikas 2009

With Eve Ensler

With Eve Ensler

With Rosie

With Rosie

Tonight is the opening of Colin Hank’s new film which I am going to with Troy and Simone…if I can catch some more Zzzzzzzz.

With Troy

With Troy

With Troy and my step mother, Shirlee Fonda

With Troy and my step mother, Shirlee Fonda

With Troy, Shirlee, Nathalie

With Troy, Shirlee, Nathalie

See you next time.

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  1. I love your blog – isn’t it fun! And addictive! The picture of the flowers in your last entry, “nervous. . . ” are absolutely beautiful. Good luck in your show. Wish I were a lot closer than Spokane, Washington. (You wouldn’t want to be here – 0 degrees this morning. b-r-r-r-r-r)

  2. the best museums are the Met and the modern. But if you are adventurous go to the brooklynn museum. They have the best collection of Egyptian art.

  3. As with anything you set your sights on, you are still number one in my book. Take that from a Vietnam Vet, who believed you did what you and just about everyother GI believed, but were certainly going to keep their mouths shut.

    Congrats on your new endevour. Esopus Magazine is publishing a retrospective on Entertainment in Vietnam, Stage Productions from 40 years ago. It will be out in April but if you would like a copy of the galley, e-mail me

    Joe Mauro

  4. Love you Jane! You are truly an inspiration to woman of every age!

  5. When the day comes that you start blogging will be a sad one indeed for me. As an ardent lover of theatre I have so enjoyed living vicariously through your blogs. I’ve been housebound due to hip replacement surgery and it’s been like having a friend.
    Thank you for being committed to keeping your fans informed.
    fond regards,

  6. oops just reread my email i meant “stop ” not start

  7. Quelle surprise de voir ce bel homme qu’est devenu Troy aujourd’hui, alors que la dernière fois que je l’ai vu il n’avait pas encore un an. Je me rappelle de l’avoir gardé quand il était encore un bébé à Santa Monica.
    Toute mond admiration pour lui et sa mère.

  8. Jane, you are such a little thing! I’ve always thought of you as tall and majestic. Well, I will still think of you as majestic! 🙂

  9. You look fabulous and glad to know you are
    still kicking ass. Pictures of your trip were awesome.
    hope you will stay on twitter.

  10. I found this blog by pure chance while I was looking for a picture of “The morning after”.
    Well, since I am here… I just want to say that I liked every one of your performances. I don’t know why, maybe is your voice.
    Un saludo,

    Cata Freire
    Madrid, Spain

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